November 2019 update

Chris Ballard
Chris Fighting Cancer
2 min readNov 11, 2019

Bloodwork is great. All Kidney/Liver markers are perfect in normal range, but I’m running a bit low on potassium. Looks like my IgGs are plateauing in normal range, so this is a “real” immune system now. Here’s the IgG chart from diagnosis to today. The uptick in March/April is from me stopping the Kyprolis and Dex, which kill good and bad Immunoglobulins.

left side bad, right side good

Light Chains also looking great, these are precursors to IgGs. I’ll just show the Lambda graph as that was the bad actor (I was diagnosed with IgG Lambda myeloma):

left side bad, right side good

We went to the Chiefs vs Colts game in October where they lost their first game, and they have been struggling ever since.

I broke my finger last week playing at the beach with the dogs :( No next steps yet other than keeping it immobilized. Typing is difficult. This is the fifth time I’ve broken a finger — two left thumb breaks, right thumb, right pinky which resulted in surgery, and this beauty on the tip of my right ring finger.

this may need surgery

I’m pain free except for the finger. Next step is my specialist appointment Dec 10, and I’m sure we’ll do a bone marrow biopsy between then and February.

your reward for reading to the end…

