November 2020 update

Chris Ballard
Chris Fighting Cancer
2 min readNov 20, 2020

absolutely nothing new to report health-wise..

Everything is good/normal.. Next step is another bone marrow biopsy in Jan/Feb. This will really inform how I’m doing in the grand scheme of things. We went from 24ppm to 40ppm to 323ppm over the past 3 years.. if it clocks in at something like 300–600ppm, then that’s linear and really good. if it jumps again 8x or more like last time to 2400–3000ppm or more, then that tells a story that’s pretty easy to figure out -> relapse in <2 years. We’ll see. I’ll have the results in late February.

Other than the brooding over my fate, I can’t really complain about anything. I feel great minus the standard GI issues from the Revlimid. I’ve been hitting the workouts pretty hard and seeing results.

We had a bad family accident last weekend.. Rachel fell, broke her elbow, ruptured her tricep, and got a concussion while we were running with the dogs last weekend. Surgery Monday. Feels so normal for our family. She has handled it like a champ, but it’s likely that the recovery will take a long time for her arm to get back to normal. (her head is perfectly fine! it’s harder than mine is)

Nov 28 is my 4 year cancerversary.. My life changed 4 years ago, and this cancer experience is responsible for who I am now. I’m just trying to do everything I can now to have a 5, 6, 7 year cancerversary, but I’m more optimistic than ever because of all the new treatments that have been approved since my diagnosis that I haven’t seen yet. My goal is to squeak by on this low-dose revlimid for as long as possible.

The next treatment for me when I relapse will most likely be Daratumumab/Dex/Pomalyst, which should last YEARS with just a bit more side effects than I have now, so let’s not plan my funeral just yet.. :)

I probably won’t have another update here before my bone marrow biopsy results unless there’s something major that comes up (not likely). So see you in late Feb, unless the Chiefs win the Super Bowl again, in which case I’ll probably find a good excuse to update everyone…

here’s your reward for reading until the end…

Big Boy Teeth 2020 award winner…

