TL;DR (quick summary to date)

Chris Ballard
Chris Fighting Cancer
1 min readMar 16, 2017

2016 April-Nov, pain and discomfort

2016 Nov 28, diagnosis

2016 Dec RVD induction

2016 Dec 24–31 hospitilaztion for surgery. Rod inserted into left femur

2017 Jan 4–7 hospitalization for T12 vertebrae removal, spinal fusion

2017 Jan RVD continuation

2017 Feb — May 4 rounds of KRD

2017 June — CR remission!

2017 June 22 — Stem Cell Transplant

2017 July 31 — return to work!

2017 Sep — sCR remission, still MRD positive (~100ppm)

2017 Oct — 2018 Jan — 4 rounds KRD consolidation

2018 Feb — Bone Marrow Biopsy….(hoping for MRD-)

