Choose your Distraction

Chris Hargreaves
chris hargreaves
Published in
1 min readFeb 14, 2017

We live in a state of permanent distraction.

A distraction is

a thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else.

It’s case in a negative light, but distraction is arguably no different from focus. The only difference is that focus is something we choose to do, to the exclusion of other things. If I’m focused, then I’m doing something in a way that prevents me from concentrating on other things.

Everything we do is distracting us from something else.

  • Facebook distracts us from work.
  • Work distracts us from our kids.
  • Our kids distract us from our hobbies.
  • Hobbies distract us from housekeeping.
  • Housekeeping distracts us from reading.

The question isn’t whether you are distracted. It’s whether you have chosen this distraction on purpose, or whether you are letting the distraction choose you instead.

Be consciously distracted.

Be distracted on purpose.

Choose your distraction.

Originally published at on February 14, 2017.



Chris Hargreaves
chris hargreaves

Author, blogger, speaker, lawyer. Mostly sane, and attempting to keep things positive.