Why you Should Embrace Overwhelming Positivity in your Life

Chris Hargreaves
chris hargreaves
Published in
1 min readJul 8, 2017

I’ve just deleted a bunch of posts that were hanging around on this site that I didn’t like.


They were too negative.

There’s a trap we all fall into.

One that can ensnare us into a life that we don’t want for ourselves or others. A life of criticism, judgment and fear.

Since I’m a lawyer, I see it regularly in my colleagues. Our training, our natural dispositions and our inclinations can lead us into a very dark place.

It’s negativity.

And it’s easy.

After all, it’s not hard to find something to criticize. A quick glimpse at social media will give us ample ammunition to spend the next 5 hours in a state of outrage, while we demonstrate both how clever and informed we are, and how simple and uninformed the other person is.

But what are we achieving in the process?

Have we changed the world? No.

Have we changed someone’s mind for the better? Probably not.

Have we improved somebody’s life? No way.

At best, we get a mild and temporary feeling of smug satisfaction.

And I’m not convinced that’s a valuable use of anybody’s time.

Are you?

Originally published at chris hargreaves.



Chris Hargreaves
chris hargreaves

Author, blogger, speaker, lawyer. Mostly sane, and attempting to keep things positive.