Teaching Your Children About Culture Through Travel

Chris Janese
Chris Janese
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2019

The world wide web is available to most of the world’s population, and images of places all over the planet are available at the click of a button. The images we see on television and on our smart devices can be misleading in many ways. Traveling to other parts of the world can open your eyes to the challenges and opportunities we all face as human beings. The next time you can travel to a foreign country, consider how your children can benefit by going with you.

Stereotypes Versus Reality

Visiting second and third world countries will teach your children the difference between stereotypes and the reality of things. There are so many harmful stereotypes in television shows and movies about people and their different cultures. Although some of these stereotypes might be based on the truth, they are often heavily exaggerated. Seeing the world firsthand can help your children rise above the ignorance that comes from being bombarded with stereotypical representations of foreign cultures.

Trying Different Foods

Give your children a chance to experience the cuisines the rest of the cultures of the world have to offer. This will have a refining effect on their current tastes, even if they might not enjoy these foods so much. Understanding what natural ingredients go into the foods people eat in other countries is educational and eye-opening. When they try a new foreign dishes, have them learn about spices, vegetables and meats that go into them. This will introduce them to the agricultural richness of the planet they live on.

Increase Cultural Intelligence

Cultural Intelligence (CI) is the ability to understand a foreign person’s gestures and behaviors the way a person from their own country. This kind of “intelligence” will be of more social value as the effects of globalization take effect over time. We will all meet, work with and live close to people that are very different from ourselves. The immigration crisis the western world is experiencing will have a lot to do with this. It’s beneficial for your children to have a headstart in learning to be tolerant and appreciate other cultures.

Traveling abroad in itself is an educational experience. Your children will welcome new experiences without considering them tough challenges.



Chris Janese
Chris Janese

Chris Janese is the dedicated CEO of The Green Room, an event services company based in Rancho Sante Fe. Visit: ChrisJanese.com