So you are a Gladiator?

Chris Leckness
Chris Leckness
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2011

So you are a Gladiator? How about leaving midfield and return the flag then!

  • You hover mid trying to pick off kills midfield.
  • You sit there telling the rest of us how bad you are despite doing nothing that helps our team?achieve?the goal of the battleground, winning.
  • You tell us stories about how you were R1 in S2 and how good you are/were on your main.
  • You afk after the 1st cap after throwing a couple #2 jabs in.

Stick to pwning noobs like me in the arena pal. Thanks.

So, me… I am an average player that enjoys playing wow. I specifically love doing bgs. I am starting to learn and enjoy arena after denouncing this ritual for years though. I am not that good. If I had to estimate based on insults, I am a 1500 arena guy @ 85. Never played arena at 85 other than for points, so I will never know.

Despite a telling list of baddie play that I employ, I feel I perform just fine at 70 and 19 (and probably any other twink bracket) in the battlegrounds.

  • I die often for a few reasons. a) I am squishy on my 70 druid because I roll with so little resilience and b) If my team is jacking off mid, I will go for a flag return or pick up solo. This often causes an untimely death. Sure I could sit around and wait for help or stacks, but that often leads to our FC going down while everyone is getting farmed mid or farming mid. You know the scenario, no need to spell it out more.
  • I still click bandages and pots. I do keybind most of my abilities to Q E F C V S X and some shift mods, but I still click some stuff. I’m just bad like that.
  • I sometimes use my kick, Skull Bask, to close distance rather than stopping spell casting. I’d rather not sit there and take frostbolts or aimed shots to the face. I close the distance in hopes that I can blow them up before they blow me up.
  • And to top all that off, I complain about people that don’t fight objectively. In other words, join a battleground just to get kills without a care in the world whether we win or lose.

I am sure those that know me could add some other things to that list, but for now, that’s all I got.

To some this rant up, I am tired of these non-objective, S2 gladiators telling us all that we suck. I would like to see said glads go get the FC instead of worrying about going 30–0 in an BG.

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Chris Leckness
Chris Leckness

Mobile Tech | #USNavy #Veteran #Falcons Fan | #Bama Fan | #Vaper | Husband | Father | #Gamer — #Hearthstone #Gwent AKA Torlaan or Drayner.