The S.I.M.P.L.E. Plan.

Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2016


We covered a few things, now it’s time to put some action behind it. There are a lot of specific actionable items out there, I’ll share some of those later. In this step, I want us to look at a plan from a different angle. Let’s keep the plan S.I.M.P.L.E. Some of the items in this list sound repetitive. That’s on purpose. Enjoy!

S — Strategic

Your plan must be strategic. What market or group are you trying to reach? Do they even WANT to hear what you’re “saying”? Like any road trip, you look at where you’re going, what’s on the way, and how long it will take you to get there. Do what you can to answer all the hard questions to gain an understanding of what direction you need to take to accomplish the goal. Create a road map. Follow it.

I — Inclusive

Always remember that you are not the one with all the talent and answers. You’re made to work with others. Who can you include that will help this plan succeed? All plans, need to be inclusive. Include those people who will make this better than you could all by yourself.

M — Measurable

Plans are not plans unless they can be measured. What are the things you value? What will enable you to track progress and make adjustments on the way? Find those things that will help you track progress and watch them. Don’t forget, numbers are important because they can drive conversation that will encourage you and possibly inspire change if needed.

P — Process Friendly

I like a good process. These are the mechanisms that help automate what you do. Basically, you build a framework of tasks/decisions that you stick to for consistency. It helps things become reproducible and provides accountability. What process to you need to create, improve or delete? Have a good process in place but don’t ever forget that the people are more important than process. Don’t lose sight of who you serve because of the process. Let the process enhance how you serve the people.

L — Lifts the vision

Your vision needs to be woven into every piece of your plan. Your plan lifts the vision God has given you. When it doesn’t, it’s time to move on.

E — Enjoyable

Who ever said that you can’t enjoy what you do?! Make sure you have elements of fun and enjoyment throughout your plan. It’s okay to have fun, especially when you are working toward a God given vision. You should typically be able to say, “I GET to do this”

What’s next for you? What’s your plan? How can I help you achieve that plan?

Let me know by emailing me, I’d love to help.




This is me … Husband, Dad, Friend, Consultant, & Coffee Addict. My goal — to help you lead and communicate well.