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Chris’s Course Portfolio
2 min readOct 19, 2019


Battle of the Devices

Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s fight will be between America’s favorite brand apple’s iPhone and the number one contender Microsofts android. The figure to the left shows the number of Android users in the United States from 2014 through 2019. Every year after 2014 the number of Android users grew by at least 5 million. In 2018 the number of Android users in the United States was over 120 million users. 2019 there are almost 130 million users who prefer the more compatible Android device.

When you think of iPhone, think of President John F. Kennedy. The people champ, iPhone hit the scene hard. Everyone has user-friendly devices, from moms, dads even grandparents who are starting to use the Apple product. The figure to the left shows the same statistics of iPhone users in the United States between the years 2014 and 2019. Now if you compare the year 2014 between iPhones and Androids, the Microsoft devices had nearly 20 million more users then Apple users. Surprisingly Android has been dominating the market for the past 5 years over Apple. I think it's safe to say that people by Apple’s iPhone for the brand and not really the specs. A lot of tech savy people say they prefer Android because it's more compatible with different downloadable content and software over Apple. Apple is a bit more strict when it comes to downloading and pirating devices. Even though everyone talks about Apple’s iPhone the numbers don't lie, more Americans prefer Android devices over Apple’s iPhone. Me personally I like both, I like to switch it up every couple of years to get a taste of both worlds sort of.

