Big Dreams…

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Chris’s Course Portfolio
3 min readDec 9, 2019


Growing up in a big city can have a huge effect on people, especially younger children. Tim was once a little kid who took every chance he got to ride around with his father in the car.

Whether it was going to the grocery store to pick up supplies for mom’s dinner or just a ride around the block. Tim thoroughly enjoyed being in the car listening to the radio station. At the time the hottest hip hop station in Detroit was Hot 102.7 FM, hosted by the infamous DJ B.J. Tim would ask his father if he could attempt to call down to the radio station and win a free chance to come spin some tunes with the local star DJ.

His father would always tell Tim, that when he gets older that he would too run his own radio station. Tim often thought about it and even dreamed about one day having his own radio station.

Photo taken by Chris Tarrance (DJBJ)

Cloudy Days

Tim was now a senior in high school and just had say his final goodbyes to his mother, who was deathly ill. Tim had cried all of his tears away and promised his mother that one day he would make it onto the radio station and do his own talk set. Tim had got accepted into Michigan State University and intends on being apart of their Broadcast and Cinematic Arts program in the fall.

Tim’s head was all over the place from the recent lost of his mother. His grades started to spiral down and he was losing site of what mattered most in his life. Completing his promise he made to his deceased mother of becoming a radio jock for his own show. Tim eventually graduated high school and later began his career as an undergraduate student at Michigan State University. He started volunteering for the campus radio station and really started to get a feel for the control room studio.

Map created by Chris Tarrance

Fan Base

Tim started to get a fan base and eventually makes a name for himself in East Lansing. The station was 88.1 FM and he became really known around the city as “Mr.88.1”. Tim developed a relationship with his local audience. He would often play songs that everyone loved by artist that everyone could relate to.

Video by Chris Tarrance Tim’s on Air Video

Tim started to think back on all the times he would ride around the city in the car with his father listening to the radio. He really has an appreciation for those types of childhood memories.


Tim is now on the verge of graduating and has really made a name for himself. He’s starting to get professional recognition. Broadcast radio has been around since the beginning of the 1900’s. It is the biggest platform to communicate. Tim has learned and developed an appreciation for Broadcast radio. So much passion for music, and another passion for being social and talking and meeting so many different people across the world.

Audio by Chris Tarrance Tim’s Audio Talk Set

Radio has it’s on culture, and there are many people that can relate to it.Tim took a childhood dream and loved ones promise and made his dreams become a reality. Tim never let the death of his mother and failing high school grades discourage him.Tim had inspiration from memories and loved ones to go out into the world and become great as a radio host. This inner-city youth had big dreams of becoming that person that helps the public release stress with music. A lot of people who listen to the radio develop bonds with radio jocks. If someone has a long day at work and gets into their car and turns the radio then he or she can relax to a good DJ playing their favorite jams.

Graphic by Chris Tarrance Tim’s Logo

