Instagram Patterns

CT fiLmS
Chris’s Course Portfolio
2 min readDec 4, 2019

Social media platforms tend to have algorithms that caters to users preferences. I know whenever I find myself scrolling through instagram and liking different post, I tend to see more and more post similar to the posts I liked.

I spend a lot of time liking Instagram models half naked pictures on Instagram, but it seems like every time I log onto the app I see a new Instagram model picture. I use to not be able to explain it, until I learned about algorithms and the bait methods that content creators use to keep their audiences satisfied.

The picture above is how I picture the higher ups of the platforms who sit and watch more and more users join the platforms from the algorithms they have created.

Instagram has a lot of power when it comes to promoting your business online. There are a lot of successful business owners who have paved a way for themselves via Instagram. Scholars like Jason G. Miles have wrote books on Instagram Power and even entitled it “Building Your Brand and Reach More Customers with Power of Pictures”. He preaches that not only being online but the number of mobile device users are constantly growing and there’s the key.

