Scrolling My Life Away

CT fiLmS
Chris’s Course Portfolio
2 min readSep 27, 2019

Buzzzzzz, buzzzzz, that’s the sound of my phone going off in the middle of the night. There for me waking up checking my phone. My name is Chris and I have an addiction to being on my phone. Over the past week I have monitored the activity of me using my smart phone. The app I decided to use was called “Moment”. It told me how many times I picked up my phone, which app I used the most and how long I used which app.

A lot of times I find myself scrolling through Instagram, trying to keep up with the latest trends. Not just celebrity news, but world news as well. It keeps me up to date when idiots like Donald Trump decide to blurt out bigot like insults about American citizens. It also lets me know when famed NFL wideouts like Odell Beckham Jr. decides to were a $350,000 watch during a football game to set fashion trends.

My snapchat is mainly used for being nosey and spying on my friends’ everyday endeavors throughout many days. Snapchat is another huge media outlet that lets me stay up to date with things going on all over the world. Politics and humanity are two topics they I manage to stay up to date with on snapchat along with many other things.

I have had a Facebook page since I was like twelve. According to the app I use Facebook the least amount of time. Possibly because I’m too busy scrolling through Instagram or Snapchat. I came to the conclusion that I spend about 4 hours a day on my phone. That’s far from healthy and I often find myself wondering how drastic my life could change if I use those extra 4 hours, I’m busy wasting on my phone every day to more of a productive goal. The thought of me scrolling my life away is quit alarming actually. Much like everyone else in the world cellphones and social media has consumed our everyday life. People go to work on their phones and even take poops on their phones. Some people even record their dogs’ poop with their phones. Funny right? What will society do without the internet and smart phones?

