Social Suicide

CT fiLmS
Chris’s Course Portfolio
3 min readDec 2, 2019

Why does being social have to be so harmful to the body. It’s like every time I find my self at the bar buzzing from double shots of tequila, I always steer myself out to the outer deck and to spark up a cigarette.

However I always seem to find piece when it comes to the conversations made between me and other smokers.

It’s like humans have become brained washed with consuming nicotine day and night all while enjoying one another’s company.

Some people wake up and smoke a fag, while enjoying their morning cup of joe. Why do human beings who are naturally social smoke?

In a lot big cities and suburbs hookah lounges are becoming more and more popular. Young adults can link up and pay to smoke while enjoying all types of conversation from there peers company.

Vapes took the world by storm now it’s like every teenager in the world is sneaking around their parents house with a illegal vape. Most kids started doing it because it makes it seem like their cool but in all reality it’s social suicide. The effects of the vape smoke and chemicals are drastically harming humans lungs more then ever. Actually someone actually died from vaping.

So could this new wave of harm complete wipe out the classic pack of smokes? I don’t Think so I feel like more and more people are starting to convert back to smoking cigarettes. Even though they aren’t healthy either, they still aren’t as bad as vaping.

