Wandering Around Berlin on a Rainy Day

My 2018 Goals and Resolutions

Chris Spiegl
Chris Spiegl
Published in
5 min readJan 9, 2018


Since 2014, I’ve been doing goals reports in private. They helped me to an extent, and I am pleased with my results. But it is pronounced that there was a component missing: accountability.

I first got into goal setting in the specific way I do it by Stefan James. He’s been doing goals reports since 2012 and just shared his 2017 year in review as well as his 2018 goals and resolutions. Inspired by him and other business owners like Pat Flynn and Tomas Laurinavicius I’ve decided to go public as well.

Being unapologetic makes you execute. Because you are not held up by convincing others.

I started last week by sharing my 2017 successes, failures, and lessons learned. That was already a big step for me. But I won’t stop there.

The Goals I Am Going to Accomplish In 2018

I have been using categories for my goals reports to see that I am moving forward in different aspects of my life over the past few years. I am not focused on one only one area at a time but rather a holistic approach to improve my lifestyle in general.

I also consider this list changeable. I might add, remove, or change goals as the year goes on, opertunities arrise, or sircumstances change.

I look at the goals on a weekly bassie and I will do a public review once per month. By doing so I stay clear on my path and know what I am working towards. These goals reports are going live in the category Monthly Goals Reports.

01 — Health & Fitness

  • 0101 — I will easily do a 3–10 day juice fast by December 31, 2018
  • 0102 — I will easily meditate 3 times per week throughout 2018
  • 0103 — I will easily practice (Acro) Yoga 3 times per week throughout 2018
  • 0104 — I will easily workout 3 times per week throughout 2018
  • 0105 — I will easily go for a massage once per month throughout 2018
  • 0106 — I will easily do 3 healing/therapy/coaching sessions per month throughout 2018

02 — Money & Investing

  • 0201 — I will easily make 10.000+ EUR per Month in Revenue by August 31, 2018
  • 0202 — I will easily have 20.000+ EUR in my investment account by December 31, 2018
  • 0203 — I will easily have a system in place to continuously invest 10%+ of my earnings by December 31, 2018
  • 0204 — I will easily invest in a new MacBook Pro by August 31, 2018

03 — Business

  • 0301 — I will easily publish 52 new videos on my YouTube Channel by December 31, 2018
  • 0302 — I will easily publish 52 new blog posts on the MakeItYour.LIFE blog by December 31, 2018
  • 0303 — I will easily send 52 new issues of my Newsletter by December 31, 2018
  • 0304 — I will easily publish 52 new episodes on my new Podcast by December 31, 2018
  • 0305 — I will easily grow my Instagram Account to 50.000+ Followers by December 31, 2018
  • 0306 — I will easily grow my YouTube Channel to 10.000+ Subscribers by December 31, 2018
  • 0307 — I will easily create and publish consulting packages by January 31, 2018
  • 0308 — I will easily create and publish my first online course by February 28, 2018
  • 0309 — I will easily organize and hold a workshop by December 31, 2018
  • 0310 — I will easily launch WriterSprints.com and PushNotice.chat on ProductHunt by February 28

04 — Self-Development, Lifestyle, and Relationships

  • 0401 — I will easily read 24 books to learn, grow, and enjoy by December 31, 2018
  • 0402 — I will easily attend at least 2 self-growth events or retreats by December 31, 2018
  • 0403 — I will easily stay in contact with all my family members on a regular basis throughout 2018
  • 0404 — I will easily build the relationships I have and check in with the people I care most about throughout 2018
  • 0405 — I will easily schedule nice activities with my family members for the time when I am in Germany in 2018
  • 0406 — I will easily travel to and explore 2 new countries by December 31, 2018
  • 0407 — I will easily go to meetups in the locations I travel to and meet inspiring and motivating people throughout 2018


In addition to these concrete goals above, I also have a list of Not-Yet-Goals. I treat these as ideas to keep in mind. There might be opportunities to make these things happen.

  • Take Courses and Attend More Seminars to Improve and Become Better
  • Rhetoric, Public Speaking, Storytelling
  • Body Language, NLP, Cold Reading
  • Video Creation
  • Life Coaching
  • Refresh and Get to the Next Level Diving License (Advanced Open Water Diver)
  • Learn more about Relationships Styles, Open Communication, and Sex Education
  • Learn How to Shoot a Classic/Modern Bow and Arrow
  • Go Horseback Riding
  • Learn about Tantra
  • Have more experiences with Family Constellations, Breathing Workshops, Wim Hof Method, Embodiment
  • Learn to Listen, Ask Questions, Form an Opinion, and Speak Last

Are You Ready for 2018?

I firmly believe in 2018. I feel it’s a year of change, incredible opportunity and growth! I am looking forward to sharing more with you on this blog and to interact on different channels (please feel free to contact me on any of the many ways).

I highly recommend getting clear on your vision soon — don’t pospone it until next year. To start, look back at the last year — like I did with my goals review 2017 — but there is more to it. A big step was the Ally with Death Visualization I recently did after getting it recommended by Candice. There is tons of energy in getting clear on the fact that you as well will die! Better make the most of right now. Focus on what you truly want to accomplish and build.

Then set goals in a mindset of limitlessness. It makes sense to stay realistic to a certain degree (going from 1.000 per month to 1.000.000 per month might be a bit of a overstretch for most of us). But other than that — shoot for the moon. If you fail, you’ll have accomplished more than those who set out for 10 meters forward.

And last but not least: develop a system to keep yourself accountable. I tried it in private for the past 4 years (not sharing my goals), and it helped a little. I am looking forward to seeing the effect of sharing this list and the reports publicly. Whether you put it on your blog, share it with friends in an email, post it on your Facebook Profile, or send it to me for accountability, doesn’t really matter. Just get those goals out there. Set your intentions and resolution free.

Here is to an incredible 2018. Let’s build success, enjoy, and grow together!

Thoughts you’d like to share?Please let me know either publicly

via Twitter or privately via Telegram.

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Originally published at makeityour.life on January 9, 2018.



Chris Spiegl
Chris Spiegl

Creator & Consultant. Find me online & offline. It always depends.