What was your February about? Relaxation, work, focus?

My February 2018 Goals Report

Chris Spiegl
Chris Spiegl
Published in
13 min readFeb 28, 2018


Early January I shared a list of my goals on this blog to hold myself accountable and do so in public. This here is my February 2018 goals report in which I go over each goal I set and the progress I made so far.

I have done monthly goals reports in private since 2014. It’s been helpful, but I lacked accountability. This is why I decided to go public this year. Try something new. All the goals reports for this year can be found in the category Monthly Goals Report.

My 2018 Goals Breakdown

In the following paragraphs, I am going into detail about each and every goal that I have set for myself at the beginning of the year and share my progress.

01 — Health & Fitness

0101 — I will easily do a 3–10 day juice fast by December 31, 2018

Result: No progress yet

Many nomads suggested that Indonesia would be the perfect place to do a juice fast. For now, I have no plans on when and how to do this.

0102 — I will easily meditate 3 times per week throughout 2018

Result: 23 Times in February

I meditated very regularly, doing 20-minute meditations at least 3 times per week. I am now doing more Transcendental Meditation sessions and almost never use guided meditations (except for when I have a certain topic I’d like to work on). I incorporated meditation more into my morning routine which I am trying to build (including a habit to get up between 5 and 6 am.

I started to meditate more or less regularly about 5 years ago. At the time I used the app Calm for most of the meditations (I even had the subscription for one year). Those guided meditations are a great start, moving away from the guided part felt almost impossible, but once I tried it, I was amazed at how much of an impact that made. If you are doing guided meditations, I encourage you to try some sessions unguided. Just focus on the breath, maybe mentally saying “Breathing In, Breathing Out”, and see where that leads you.

0103 — I will easily practice (Acro) Yoga 3 times per week throughout 2018

Result: 14 Times

I practiced Yoga regularly. I like to have a mix of Flow Yoga (morning) as well as Yin Yoga (evening) sessions. I usually do 20–30 minute sessions. Yoga is an excellent contrast to the workouts. I like it for the meditative aspects and the stretch deep into my core muscles.

0104 — I will easily workout 3 times per week throughout 2018

Result: 12 Times

I worked out regularly (without the Freeletics App). Now I mostly just mentally select a set of practices which I learned by working out with the Freeletics App. I decide on a repetition count and then just do the workout. I don’t care about the time it takes, I just do it. Tracking of all these habits happens in the Habitify app, so double tracking is not needed. I prefer to do regular 10–30 minute workouts with body weight over any gym right now (but I will explore those options more as well).

0105 — I will easily go for a massage once per month throughout 2018

Result: one Massage

I went for one massage in February shortly before leaving Chiang Mai. I am planning to do this moving forward and maybe even increase in the month ahead. It’s time for relaxation, and reenergizing next to all the focused work that’s going on.

0106 — I will easily do 3 healing/therapy/coaching sessions per month throughout 2018

Result: 4 Sessions in January

I did 4 healing sessions in February. Working on emotions, the power to feel, and the mind. It’s very interesting to see and feel the change over the month. The readiness of my mind to go into new directions, sometimes accept “silly” sounding exercises and open up. It helps a great deal in all of the things that I am doing and growing towards. I’ll continue as I think that the growth lies in exploring this for a longer term. That’s where the money is!

02 — Money & Investing

0201 — I will easily make 10.000+ EUR per Month in Revenue by August 31, 2018

Result: In Progress

February was a bit of a slower month than January. Finishing up some older client projects and working on more the foundation of new ideas and businesses. The bulk of my money came from Consulting and Project Execution. I see others going into great detail with their exact numbers of income. I am not ready to do that yet. I have plans for more products that I will develop in the next few months which will help me grow towards this goal inactive as well as more passive income.

0202 — I will easily have 20.000+ EUR in my investment account by December 31, 2018

Result: No progress yet

I am working to transform my life this year. Savings are a big part of that. However, for now, I am working to make some investments and sustaining life more easeful. This goal will be more interesting in the second half of the year.

I also realized that the smartest thing would be to start saving 10% immediately (as I learned in Money Master the Game by Tony Robbins). As income exceeds my running expenses, I will start doing so.

0203 — I will easily have a system in place to continuously invest 10%+ of my earnings by December 31, 2018

Result: No progress yet

I have not set up any systems yet. This will be more interesting once other goals are in line and income is increased.

0204 — I will easily invest in a new MacBook Pro by August 31, 2018

Result: Goal Achieved — 28th January 2018

See Why and How in: My January 2018 Goals Report

This month I’ve noticed the effects in a big way as I was setting up the machine to fully work efficiently. It’s amazing what it means to not need a charger for 5 minutes of work and work much faster than before. I’m delighted that I made this decision.

With this new machine I am able to serve you better, the community, other creators, and my clients. I can publish more efficiently and provide faster services.

What’s your oldest device? Are you still happy using it, or is it time for an upgrade?

03 — Business

0301 — I will easily publish 52 new videos on my YouTube Channel by December 31, 2018

Result: 2 Videos Published in February (2 total)

I published two eye gazing episodes on YouTube with a blog post explaining why I think Eye Gazing is a fascinating exercise to do. I have plans for more videos in the coming weeks and month.

0302 — I will easily publish 52 new blog posts on the MakeItYour.LIFE blog by December 31, 2018

Result: 5 Articles Published in January (10 total)

I published 5 articles on the MakeItYour.LIFE blog. On track with the goal of 52 blog posts this year.

0303 — I will easily send 52 new issues of my Newsletter by December 31, 2018

Result: 5 Newsletters Sent in February (8 total)

I stayed on track for February and even sent one additionally for missing the one in January. I am committed to sending 52 newsletter issues.

The challenge I mentioned last month stays: it’s tough to produce on a regular basis and keep the publishing dates the same each time. I’m working on it.

0304 — I will easily publish 52 new episodes on my new Podcast by December 31, 2018

Result: In Progress

The podcast is a whole new space for me. It’s exciting to get into audio, but at the same time, it is scary. I have yet to publish an episode. But I did some grunt work: bought the ATR2100 (Affiliate Link) Microphone and familiarized myself with Audacity, Adobe Audition and the different workflows to increase sound quality. It’s been fun to explore this new area of editing media as I had done audio editing about 13 years ago when I was in school but never did it since.

Next steps for this goal are:

  • ✔ Create a SoundCloud Account for publication.
  • ❌ Start recording audio versions of articles of this blog.
  • ❌ Brainstorm Topic, Name, and Design Ideas
  • ❌ Create Design Elements
  • ❌ Publish said audio articles on SoundCloud.

0305 — I will easily grow my Instagram Account to 50.000+ Followers by December 31, 2018

Result: 18.000+ subscribers (minus 10.000 compared to last month)

This actually had negative growth, and the reason is not apparent. I decided to shed some old weight. Get rid of subscribers who are not engaging or aren’t even active on Instagram. I talked more about this on my weekly Newsletter (you can read the archive after signing up for it with your email). It’s been interesting to see the reactions to this decision. It’s been split but generally supportive of the idea.

Next steps for this goal are:

  • Start publishing more regularly (again)
  • Edit and export photos
  • Would you like to follow me? @spieglio (send me a DM, and we can chat)

0306 — I will easily grow my YouTube Channel to 10.000+ Subscribers by December 31, 2018

Result: 470+ subscribers (plus 30)

My YouTube Channel started out at about 400 followers in the first few days of 2018. As of today my channel has 470 subscribers and is growing at about 30 subscribers per month. At this rate, I will end up with about 700 subscribers by the end of the year. I will have to start publishing more content on the channel if I plan to reach this goal. For obvious reasons, this is also a goal that is impacted by the upgraded MacBook because the new video card is one of the leading improvements over my old MacBook (aka faster render speeds).

Next steps for this goal:

  • ✔ Make a plan what kind of videos I should produce next.
  • ❌ Setup a video studio in my future travel apartment in Kuala Lumpur.
  • Nice try — the apartment does not have that kinda space, but I’ll find a way.
  • ❌ Produce a bunch of video content while I am there.

0307 — I will easily create and publish consulting packages by January 31, 2018

Result: Failed / Halfway Done

Well, first obvious example of a goal not being achieved in by the deadline. Technically this is a fail. I’ll keep working on it and publish either consulting packages or a consulting plan in the next few weeks.

Work With Me / Consulting, Coaching, and Accountability

Next steps for this goal:

  • ❌ Brainstorm & Create Packages
  • ❌ Update Landing Page

0308 — I will easily create and publish my first online course by February 28, 2018

Result: Failed / In Progress

The situation in the AirBnB turned out to be not as amazing for filming as I thought it might be. On top of that my fears around publishing (creating something valuable) kicked in. Creating an online course feels pretty hard right now. I know all the theory and that it’s a matter of “just doing it”, but that doesn’t necessarily help. I’ve been working on these things in the healing sessions, and I start to feel better about it.

If you are reading this and you have any requests for a course (or information video) from me, please send me a quick email. I am developing topics, but it would be even better if I could directly help you in what you need. I also plan on giving away a few copies of the corse for beta testers.

Next steps for this goal:

  • ❌ Send question in Newsletter which Course topic is most interesting
  • ❌ Send a test video to the Udemy Course Creation Support Team.
  • ❌ Create the final concept and table of contents for the first course.
  • ❌ Write the course titles, description, and other copy.
  • ❌ Record, edit and publish the course.

0309 — I will easily organize and hold a workshop by December 31, 2018

Result: Goal Achieved — 21st January 2018

Together with Candice Wu, I organized and held an Interactive Intimacy Workshop in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It was a new and fascinating experience for me. I am looking forward to facilitating more workshops like it as well as workshops about other (more technical and business related) topics as the year continues.

0310 — I will easily launch WriterSprints.com and PushNotice.chat on ProductHunt by February 28

Result: Failed / In progress

Everything around these changed again. I switched some plans and ideas around. It’s like it always is with software. It’s not easy to plan for stuff. Still going to do it, the plan is the end of March.

Next steps for this goal:

  • ❌ Implement the changes which I want to do before the ProductHunt launch
  • ❌ Write all the copy for publication (Article on Medium, Description for ProductHunt, and Landing Page Text)
  • ❌ Publish both Projects on ProductHunt by the end of March

04 — Self-Development, Lifestyle, and Relationships

0401 — I will easily read 24 books to learn, grow, and enjoy by December 31, 2018

Result: 1 Books finished (3 total)

I finished one book. And it was The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. After finishing this book, I spent the rest of the month with Benjamin Franklin: An American Life : Walter Isaacson.

The Graveyard Book : Neil Gaiman (Affiliate Link)

The story is intriguing, the happenings on the graveyard well described, it’s a book that got me hooked. I’m too little of a literary to judge the overall quality, but I definitely enjoyed it. I found it especially interesting to listen to the very last part of the audiobook version where Nail Gaiman himself describes the origins of the book, as well as the title (which was inspired by “The Jungle Book”).

Read this Year (Affiliate Links)

0402 — I will easily attend at least 2 self-growth events or retreats by December 31, 2018

Result: No progress yet

I have some ideas of what events to attend but still looking.

0403 — I will easily stay in contact with all my family members on a regular basis throughout 2018

Result: On Track

I FaceTime called all my family members at least once in February. Staying in contact feels excellent, and having a more profound conversation every so often is really helpful to feel connected even if we are on opposite sides of the planet.

0404 — I will easily build the relationships I have and check in with the people I care most about throughout 2018

Result: On Track

I’m happy with the progress on this goal. I’ve been messaging some more people, checked in, had some Skype calls. I’m always looking forward to a good conversation.

0405 — I will easily schedule nice activities with my family members for the time when I am in Germany in 2018

Result: No progress yet

I have some ideas of what to do, but there are no concrete plans yet.

0406 — I will easily travel to and explore 2 new countries by December 31, 2018

Result: 1 new Country / In Progress

I’ve arrived in Malaysia mid-February. It’s a new country on my list, and I’m very happy here. However, I am not really here to explore much but rather to get work. Kuala Lumpur is proving to be an excellent hub for that.

I made plans to travel to at least three new countries this year. My up to date travel plan can be seen on my About Page but the next three countries are:

  • ✔ Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (Flight Booked, February 16th to March 26th)
  • Bali, Indonesia (Flight Booked, March 26th into May)
  • Hawaii, USA (Planned for May to July)

0407 — I will easily go to meetups in the locations I travel to and meet inspiring and motivating people throughout 2018

Result: Kinda Failed in February

I didn’t really go to any meetups. I met up with friends for dinner and had amazing “dinner table meetups” with my new apartment mates in Kuala Lumpur. I am starting to think that these kinds of meetups are more valuable than the random meeting people once in a bar to network. I’m happy with the amount of social interaction and new people in my life right now.

05 — Non Goals

In addition to my concrete goals above, I also have a list of Not-Yet-Goals. I treat these as ideas to keep in mind. There might be opportunities to make these happen.

  • Take Courses and Attend More Seminars to Improve and Become Better
  • Rhetoric, Public Speaking, Storytelling
  • Body Language, NLP, Cold Reading
  • Video Creation
  • Life Coaching
  • Refresh and Get to the Next Level Diving License (Advanced Open Water Diver)
  • Learn more about Relationships Styles, Open Communication, and Sex Education
  • Learn How to Shoot a Classic/Modern Bow and Arrow
  • Go Horseback Riding
  • Learn about Tantra
  • Have more experiences with Family Constellations, Breathing Workshops, Wim Hof Method, Embodiment
  • Learn to Listen, Ask Questions, Form an Opinion, and Speak Last

Random Achievements

The switch to the new MacBook has been an incredibly helpful decision. Working with it is such a pleasure. A random achievement around this topic is that I was able to sell the old MacBook in Chiang Mai. I was dreading the process of selling it and then decided to put it on Facebooks Marketplace. Just about 8 hours later I had a buyer and money in my hadn’t. All went well, and I am traveling 3kg lighter!

Living in Kuala Lumpur in an apartment building with 30+ stories is pretty amazing. Gym, Pool, Coffee Shop, and Convenience store in the building. Food court around the corner. I’m happy to work here. And the view is incredible.

My hosts in the AirBnB apartment invited all their guests to lunch on Saturday for Indian Banana Leaf food. It’s been an experience, and I really enjoyed eating with my hands. Something I should try to do more often.

March — What’s Coming

In February I had many goals that were supposed to be finished, but I didn’t come around to actually doing them. I’m not really happy about that. March is for that reason much fuller and more packed with commitments. My primary task right now: working on procrastinating less, actually work on the projects that are planed in the calendar, having a proper schedule, and to keep clear boundaries between my own projects and client work.

What are you working on in March? Where are you publishing, or what are you putting into the world? And how was your February? And have you been doing your best or would you like some accountability?

Let’s connect if you have any questions or feedback and: Enjoy February!

I appreciate your attention! But for now you reached the end. Please hit that clap button if you enjoyed what I shared, found it thoughtful, or inspiring. It truly helps a lot.

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Originally published at makeityour.life on February 28, 2018.



Chris Spiegl
Chris Spiegl

Creator & Consultant. Find me online & offline. It always depends.