Contemplations in Bali.

My March 2018 Goals Report

Chris Spiegl
Chris Spiegl
Published in
13 min readMay 21, 2018


Early January I shared a list of my goals on this blog to hold myself accountable and do so in public. This here is my April 2018 goals report in which I go over each goal I set and the progress I made so far.

I have done monthly goals reports in private since 2014. It’s been helpful, but I lacked accountability. This is why I decided to go public this year. Try something new. All the goals reports for this year can be found in the category Monthly Goals Report.

My 2018 Goals Breakdown

In the following paragraphs, I am going into detail about each and every goal that I have set for myself at the beginning of the year and share my progress.

01 — Health & Fitness

0101 — I will easily do a 3–10 day juice fast by December 31, 2018

Result: Progress (did 4 days of no carbs/meat fast in April)

I almost called this goal achieved this month, but it wouldn’t be right. Living on Bali, I decided to look into different options for juice fasts. One main thing I noticed is that it seems like juice fasting is very western-focused here. It’s not something that is done locally so even though live in Indonesia, Thailand and so on is generally cheaper than in Europe, a juice fast isn’t really. Additionally, I did some research on the effects of juice fasting and noticed that it can be tricky and very sugar-rich (which isn’t necessarily the point of this).

To still give myself a little food break, I decided to focus my food consumption for a couple days. I basically didn’t eat any carbs, meat, or fish. I felt great doing so, but it’s not the same as drinking juices all day.

I’m still curious about this in the future and will keep this goal active for now.

0102 — I will easily meditate 3 times per week throughout 2018

Result: 8 Times in April

Only meditating twice per week this month. I feel like I am losing the connection to this and many other goals as I am going through a personal transformation.

I started to meditate more or less regularly about 5 years ago. At the time I used the app Calm for most of my meditations (I had the subscription for one year). Those guided meditations are a great start, moving away from the guided part felt almost impossible, but once I tried it, I was amazed at how much of an impact that made. If you are doing guided meditations, I encourage you to go more minimalistic and try some sessions unguided. Just focus on the breath, maybe mentally saying “Breathing In, Breathing Out”, and see where that leads you.

0103 — I will easily practice (Acro) Yoga 3 times per week throughout 2018

Result: 8 Times

I like to do a couple Yoga poses after getting up and right before going to bed. It’s a good practice, but I’d like to do it more often again.

0104 — I will easily workout 3 times per week throughout 2018

Result: 4 Times

The switch in scenery to Bali was a tough one in regards to working out. It was increasingly hard for me to do this. Moving between different apartments and not having a space for my workout. Additionally, I am noticing that it is hard for me to exercise when others are seeing me. I feel vulnerable to criticism, that I look “stupid”, and more. It’s not a good feeling. Doing it on a rooftop where there is nobody else is so much easier.

All my workouts are now a selection of a set of body weight exercises. I decide on a repetition count and then do the workout. I don’t care about the time it takes, I just do it. Tracking of all my habits happens in the Habitify app.

0105 — I will easily go for a massage once per month throughout 2018

Result: kind of one Massage

I didn’t go for a full-on massage in April. Using the massage balls my girlfriend brought from the US is extremely helpful. Additionally, we are exchanging small massages here and there.

0106 — I will easily do 3 healing/therapy/coaching sessions per month throughout 2018

Result: one Session

Building on the months before with a lot of sessions work, this month was focused on introspection, journaling, and constructive conversations. It’s been transformative but not the same as with the sessions. These definitely accelerate the process.

02 — Money & Investing

0201 — I will easily make 10.000+ EUR per Month in Revenue by August 31, 2018

Result: No good progress

Regarding income April was (expectantly) a low month. I am focusing my energy on other places. Trying to figure out where I am going next with my business. What my new focus will be and what my “Why” is.

Stepping away from this income goal in some ways. No longer making money the primary objective but instead concentrating on the things I want to create rather than the jobs I think I have to do to make this income.

I see others going into great detail with their exact numbers of income, and I admire that level of transparency. I am not ready to do that yet. I have plans for more products/services that I will develop in the next few months which will help me grow towards this goal inactive as well as more passive income.

0202 — I will easily have 20.000+ EUR in my investment account by December 31, 2018

Result: Goal Postponed

I am working to transform my life this year. Savings are a big part of that. However, for now, I am working to make some investments and sustaining life more easeful. This goal will be more interesting in the second half of the year.

In February), I wrote here that the smartest thing would be to start saving 10% immediately (as I learned in Money Master the Game by Tony Robbins). Since then I realized that I have on retirement structure which I am paying into that equals pretty much exactly 10% of my income. I plan to keep doing this and increase that number as my income increases.

0203 — I will easily have a system in place to continuously invest 10%+ of my earnings by December 31, 2018

Result: Goal Achieved

As mentioned in my goal 0202, I realized that I actually do pay 10% into a retirement investment portfolio. This is not as free as I’d like it to be but it’s better than nothing. It also gives me safety in case I would no longer be able to work.

As my income increases, I am going to build a system that is more self-directed (stock, crypto, metals, etc.).

I have not set up any systems yet. This will be more interesting once other goals are in line and I increased my income.

0204 — I will easily invest in a new MacBook Pro by August 31, 2018

Result: Goal Achieved — 28th January 2018

See Why and How in My January 2018 Goals Report.

It’s amazing what it means to not need a charger for 5 minutes of work and work much faster than before. I’m delighted that I made this decision.

With this new machine I am able to serve you better, the community, other creators, and my clients. I can publish more efficiently and provide faster services.

What’s your oldest device? Are you still happy using it, or is it time for an upgrade?

03 — Business

0301 — I will easily publish 52 new videos on my YouTube Channel by December 31, 2018

Result: 1 Video Published (4 total)

I published “Know Your Timezones at All Times on macOS and iOS“. I planned to release more videos in that month, but I didn’t get myself to film them. It’s hard to push for this and put myself out there. This is the main reason why I am so interested in going through this personal transformation I have been talking about above.

0302 — I will easily publish 52 new blog posts on the MakeItYour.LIFE blog by December 31, 2018

Result: 1 Articles Published (15 total)

All my content goals have kind of been put on hold this month. Making this call has been tough. I was extremely excited about putting more content out into the world at the beginning of the year. But going forward I noticed that I am spreading myself too thin. I want to direct my energy more.

Primarily this blog might see way fewer articles than initially planned. After some exploration, I decided (in May) that I am going to focus my energy on YouTube and Instagram. There may or may not be new articles on this blog in the future.

Here is the article that I published this month:

0303 — I will easily send 52 new issues of my Newsletterby December 31, 2018

Result: 4 Newsletters Sent (16 total)

I stayed on track for sending newsletters, but the last one came in with a bang. In issue #16 of my personal Newsletter, I announced that I am shutting it down.

There are two motivations: The GDPR regulation in Europe and my decisions on where I want to focus my energy.

The newsletter was a great way to share some ideas, interesting links, and keep people in the loop about where I am and what I am doing. The problem, however, is that it’s tough to spread. Hard for people to find the newsletter. It’s not something that spreads very easily.

Having more reach on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook, I decided to focus my energy there. So this goal will be canceled from here on forward.

0304 — I will easily publish 52 new episodes on my new Podcast by December 31, 2018

Result: no Podcast Episodes Published (2 total)

As with all the others, a break was needed. I am not yet sure how to continue with the podcast idea. It’s a really cool medium, but between Instagram and YouTube, I might decide to focus my energy further.

Podcasting is a whole new space for me. It’s exciting to get into audio, but at the same time, it is scary. In January, I bought the ATR2100 (Affiliate Link) Microphone. In February, I familiarized myself with Audacity, Adobe Audition, and the different workflows to increase sound quality. In March, I recorded two episodes and published them!

0305 — I will easily grow my Instagram Account to 50.000+ Followers by December 31, 2018

Result: 17.831+ subscribers (minus 141 compared to last month)

At the beginning of the year, I blocked about 10.000 followers on my Instagram profile. You are probably asking why? The main reason is that I wanted a more authentic profile and to get rid of fake followers. The whole story can be read in the email newsletter archive.

Since then there still is some clearing going on. To be honest, that is also understandable. I am not 100% clear on what my account is. I am not sharing very regularly, sometimes I add to my story but not every day, and I have stopped using Instagram for the most part (no commenting or liking of other peoples work).

What will help in a more regular flow of content is that Buffer App now supports scheduled Instagram postings and I am planning to build a regular posting schedule that way. Let’s see how that goes.

With my restructuring of content ideas, Instagram is definitely a platform I will keep my focus on.

Would you like to follow me? @spieglio (send me a DM, and we can chat)

0306 — I will easily grow my YouTube Channel to 10.000+ Subscribers by December 31, 2018

Result: 549+ subscribers (plus 49)

My YouTube Channel started out at about 400 followers in the first few days of 2018. As of today my channel has 549+ subscribers and is growing at about 30 subscribers per month.

This is the first milestone that gives me a really cool feeling, and it’s impressive because it’s just one year after I actually started posting more to YouTube and did my #30VideosIn30Days challenge last year.

At the current rate, I will end up with about 800 subscribers by the end of the year. I seriously have to step up my game a lot to reach my lofty goal of 10.000+ subscribers by the end of the year!

0307 — I will easily create and publish consulting packages by January 31, 2018

Result: Failed / Halfway Done

It’s very much a repeating theme. You probably already know what’s coming. In the face of the personal transformation journey, I am currently on, this is not something I wanted to focus much energy on. It’s definitely going to stay around as I love helping with my knowledge but I needed a little bit of a recess.

I have a couple people working with me already, and if you need help with your website, structuring your online business, or doing some business development, please contact me, and we can work on that!

Work With Me / Consulting, Coaching, and Accountability

0308 — I will easily create and publish my first online course by February 28, 2018

Result: Failed / In Progress

Same as before. I paused this for the moment. It’s still very much excitement of mine. It’ll happen. Just a matter of when.

0309 — I will easily organize and hold a workshop by December 31, 2018

Result: Goal Achieved — 21st January 2018

Together with Candice Wu, I organized and held an Interactive Intimacy Workshop in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It was a new and fascinating experience for me. I am looking forward to facilitating more workshops like it as well as workshops about other (more technical and business related) topics as the year continues.

0310 — I will easily launch and on ProductHunt by February 28

Result: Failed then Killed

I had grand ambitions with all the software projects that I started. So much I could do with them, so much fun I have while coding. But more and more I am noticing the draw towards making more content and sharing more of my knowledge. Eventually, I decided to actually take most of my side projects offline so I could focus on less with greater passion and dedication. I discussed that in more detail in the article “Shedding Old Weight: Acceptance, Vision, and Killing Projects”.

I still love coding and sometimes feel a random pull towards writing some lines. But I’d like to do it more out of passion than because I have to earn money with it.

04 — Self-Development, Lifestyle, and Relationships

0401 — I will easily read 24 books to learn, grow, and enjoy by December 31, 2018

Result: no Books finished (4 total)

I didn’t finish any new books but listened to Finding My Virginity: The New Autobiography : Richard Branson. More on that next month.

Read this Year (Affiliate Links)

0402 — I will easily attend at least 2 self-growth events or retreats by December 31, 2018

Result: No progress yet

I have some ideas of what events to attend but still looking.

0403 — I will easily stay in contact with all my family members on a regular basis throughout 2018

Result: On Track

I FaceTime called all my family members at least once in April. It’s quite magical that we can call each other around the globe.

0404 — I will easily build the relationships I have and check in with the people I care most about throughout 2018

Result: On Track

I’m sort of happy with the progress on this goal. I’ve not been messaging as much. Focusing more on the local connections. During April I wasn’t necessarily interested in doing calls too much. Concentrate on spending time with my girlfriend and focused on my journaling practice. Introspection.

0405 — I will easily schedule nice activities with my family members for the time when I am in Germany in 2018

Result: No progress yet

It looks like our travel plans changed, and I’ll not be in Germany during the Summer. I still have ideas and plans for when I am back there though.

0406 — I will easily travel to and explore 2 new countries by December 31, 2018

Result: 2 new Country / Goal Achieved

I arrived in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia on Monday the 26th of March. This is the second new country this year and marks this goal complete. Now let’s see how many more countries I can add.

Looks like all the countries coming up are countries I have visited before. My up to date travel plan can be seen on my About Page.

0407 — I will easily go to meetups in the locations I travel to and meet inspiring and motivating people throughout 2018

Result: Kinda Failed in April

As mentioned above. I was very introspectively focused.

05 — Non Goals

In addition to my concrete goals above, I also have a list of Not-Yet-Goals. I treat these as ideas to keep in mind. There might be opportunities to make these happen.

  • Take Courses and Attend More Seminars to Improve and Become Better
  • Rhetoric, Public Speaking, Story Telling, Body Language, NLP, Cold Reading, Video Creation, Life Coaching
  • Refresh and Get to the Next Level Diving License (Advanced Open Water Diver)
  • Learn more about Relationships Styles, Open Communication, and Sex Education
  • Learn How to Shoot a Classic/Modern Bow and Arrow
  • Go Horseback Riding
  • Learn about Tantra
  • Have more experiences with Family Constellations, Breathing Workshops, Wim Hof Method, Embodiment
  • Learn to Listen, Ask Questions, Form an Opinion, and Speak Last

Random Achievements

April was all about letting go further. Letting go of the goals I set up for myself. Shedding even more obligations (Newsletter, Blog, and more). It’s like minimalism/essentialism is spreading all through my life.

In the energy of that, I decided to let go of some gear. Trying to sell my drone, one of my cameras, and some smaller gear items. It’s just too heavy to carry it all around. But in all of April, no buyers emerged.

May — What’s Coming

May is going to be a month of giving myself even more space. Fewer obligations. Actually looking inside. Resting. Pause.

What’s your plan for May? Are you reviewing the months as they are happening? Building, growing, improving, slowing down?

Let’s connect if you have any questions or feedback and: Enjoy the next month!

Thoughts you’d like to share?
Please let me know either publicly
Twitter or privately via Telegram.

Originally published at on May 21, 2018.



Chris Spiegl
Chris Spiegl

Creator & Consultant. Find me online & offline. It always depends.