A Teachable Heart

31st MAY 2024

Christ for Youth International
2 min readMay 31, 2024


Christ for Youth International

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” [Matthew 7:24 NIV]

In Matthew 7:24, Jesus emphasizes the importance of not just hearing His words but putting them into practice. This passage highlights a crucial quality for disciples who can effectively bring in the harvest.

Teachability means being willing and eager to learn. It involves paying attention to what is being taught and being open to correction and instruction. A teachable spirit is essential for any disciple who wants to grow and be used by God in His mission field. Jesus Himself was a teacher, and His disciples were learners, constantly absorbing His wisdom and applying it to their lives.

As we seek to become more like Christ, we must allow God to shape us according to His will.

The Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sent after His ascension, continues this role of teaching us. John 16:13 says, “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, helping us understand and apply God’s word. To be effective laborers in God’s harvest, we must cultivate a teachable spirit, allowing the Holy Spirit to instruct and guide us.

Being teachable means actively listening to God’s word, reflecting on it, and implementing it in our daily lives. It requires humility, recognizing that we don’t have all the answers and need God’s wisdom and guidance. It also means being willing to change and adapt as God reveals new insights and directions.

A teachable disciple is like a house built on the rock. No matter what storms come, they stand firm because they have built their life on the solid foundation of Jesus’ teachings. They are well-prepared and equipped to bring in the harvest because they have allowed themselves to be shaped and molded by God.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your word and the teachings of Jesus. Help us to have teachable spirits, open to Your instruction and willing to apply Your truth in our lives. Guide us through Your Holy Spirit into all truth, and equip us to be effective labourers in Your harvest field. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Further Reading: Matthew 7:24–29

Bible In One Year: Psalm [15–18]

