A True Disciple Obeys

25TH MAY 2024

Christ for Youth International
2 min readMay 25, 2024


Christ for Youth International

Jesus told the people who had faith in him, “If you keep on obeying what I have said, you truly are my disciples. [John 8:31 CEV]

The word “obey”, according to the Oxford English Dictionary means “to comply with or perform the bidding of someone or to do what one is commanded by a person.” Obedience therefore requires a corresponding action in response to an instruction that has been directed to a person.

Discipleship is incomplete without obedience. It is in doing the things that our Lord tells us that makes us His disciple.

By complying with His commands, we become more and more like Him. A disciple is expected not only to believe in the words of Jesus but must be deliberate about putting His Words into practice.

Today, we are encouraged not to be like the Christian who goes to church, hears the powerful message by his pastor, tells others how wonderful church service was, does nothing about what he hears and then returns to church week after week. By seeking first the Kingdom above all else, loving our neighbors and enemies, serving one another, walking in holiness, making disciples of all nations, amongst other commands by Jesus, we will be well on our way to looking like Him since He Himself walked in these very commands in obedience to God.

A life of obedience to God will be impossible to live by our efforts. This should however not deter us, rather, encourage us knowing very well that “the Spirit helps us in our weakness…” (Romans 8:26). We are not alone in this journey of obeying and walking as disciples of Christ for we have a Helper, ever present to assist us when the going gets tough.

Heavenly Father, thank you for choosing me as your disciple. Help me to obey your commands no matter how difficult they may seem to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Reading: Romans 8:26

Bible In One Year: Job [33–36]

