All Families Come From God
3rd DECEMBER 2024
Yes, that is why I pray for you. I go down on my knees to pray to God, our Father. Every family, those in heaven and those on earth, receives its true name from him.” [Ephesians 3:14-15 EASY]
If you ever question how intentional God is about families, carefully examine the above scripture. The word family in our focal text means paternal descent, that is, a group of families or a whole race (nation), kindred or lineage. In recent times, some individuals seem to have become fixated on finding out their family origin and which (or how many) countries they originate from. However, we seem to stop short at that information. The Apostle Paul’s claim about God being the Originator of all families on earth and by extension their names, suggests that if any test could go that far, we would see that the name of every single family to have existed on this side of eternity originates from God.
God is so detail-oriented that He leaves nothing to chance. He is careful to give every family its name because He has a plan for every family.
If you believe that God has a plan for you as an individual, then you must also believe this: God has a plan for your family too. Therefore, you were not put in your family (biological or spiritual) by happenstance; God was intentional it.
The thing is whether it shows or not, whether we like it or not, Apostle Paul’s statement was one of fact. Every family in heaven and earth receives its true name from God. This means that families are not meant to be identified by anything else other than the identity God gave them as an extension of His person. When God created family, He created it as man, woman and children. Every other name or identity completely falls short of God’s intent. Perhaps the intended name of your family does not currently ring true because it seems to be shrouded by a false name or identity. I submit to you that in every family, on earth at least, an individual or groups of people are anointed and appointed by God to restore that true family name once and for all. You might just be that person! If your family is living the reality of their true name under God, you also have the responsibility of upholding and continuing that legacy.
In Romans 8:15, the Apostle Paul emphasizes that we have been adopted into God’s family. Members of a family are identifiable by their name, and a name holds significance — more valuable than riches. Here’s the good news: as a result of salvation, you belong to a family with the most powerful Name there is! The Name which when mentioned every knee bows and every tongue confesses the Lordship of Jesus Christ. As a co-heir with Christ, this ought to make you excited.
In short, on earth, we live for God because we come from Him, and in heaven, we will live with God because we have been adopted into His heavenly family!
Heavenly Father, what a privilege to don Your identity on earth and carry it into eternity. We ask that You enable us and every member of our family to walk in that identity in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Further Reading: John 1:12–13, Genesis 22:18