Be A Trustworthy Messenger
25th NOVEMBER 2024
“A reliable, trustworthy messenger refreshes the heart of his master, like a gentle snowfall at harvest time.” [Proverbs 25:13 TPT]
Permit me to reiterate this, you are a messenger and your Master is Christ. You have been sent by your Master with the message of reconciliation: “Come and be reconciled with Christ”. Our focal text says that if you are reliable and trustworthy in doing so, you bring refreshment to your Master’s heart. The goal of any serious messenger is to please the heart of the One who has sent them.
Here are some reasons, according to Oak Spring Farm, why farmers supposedly love snow. I pause here to draw your attention to the fact that snowfall is qualified in our focal text as being gentle. Remember that a fruit of the Holy Spirit is gentleness, meaning that even in discharging our duties as workmen in the harvest, we need to allow the fruit of gentleness to be formed in us. Now, on to those reasons farmers love snow and how this translates into refreshing the Master’s heart through our reliability and faithfulness as messengers.
Firstly, organisms which cause disease to plants are unable to survive in freezing conditions. The reason why the Master’s heart is refreshed when we are reliable in delivering the message of salvation is that the effects of the kingdom of darkness are nullified. In effect, the same way snow incapacitates the activities of disease causing organisms, darkness is dispelled where light shines.
Secondly, snow carries within it the ability to capture sulfur and nitrogen from the atmosphere as it falls. These nutrients, which are essential for plant growth, are then released into the soil as the snow melts, providing free boosts of fertilizer to the soil. We bring refreshment to the Master’s heart when we faithfully and reliably execute our duties as messengers because we bring Godly principles to the earth. These principles carry within them the ability to provide life-giving nourishment to its hearers. Once darkness is dispelled, the light which takes its place must carry within it the ability to bring sustained life. The message of the cross does just that — it is life everlasting!
Finally, snow acts as an insulating blanket for the soil against harsh cold weather conditions and it provides moisture when it melts, providing a restoration of groundwater. It goes without saying that faithfully performing the function of a messenger ensures that the word of God, which is truth, plays a functional role of protecting the world from the falsehoods of the father of all lies.
As messengers, if the Master’s heart is to be refreshed, we must develop the quality of being trustworthy and reliable. In all our efforts to bring in the harvest, what will be of much benefit to us and the Master is when we commit to being a messenger who can be trusted.
Father, thank You, that Your Spirit within us gives us the desire and ability to do that which pleases You. Therefore, we thank You that the Holy Spirit is giving us the desire and power to be reliable and trustworthy messengers who bring Your heart refreshment. In Jesus name. Amen.
Further Reading: Proverbs 13:17; Proverbs 25:25