Build Up Yourself

24th JUNE 2020

Christ for Youth International
2 min readJun 24, 2020


Christ for Youth International

But you, beloved, keep building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. Jude 1:20 [NHEB]

We have been given a task by God to build ourselves. God, being the good God He is, does not leave us clueless as to what exactly He is looking for. He tells us to build ourselves on our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. From the above scripture, we realise that one way by which we can build ourselves is through prayer.

Note that God classifies the people to whom He is calling out to build themselves. He calls them “beloved”. We must ask ourselves, are we God’s beloveds? If yes, then there is work for us to do; we must build ourselves up in prayer. The bible makes us understand that praying in the Holy Spirit is not the same as praying with our human understanding.

We must remember, however, that the work is to keep building upon the pre-existing foundation of our most holy faith.

Therefore, we must not be too eager to build up ourselves outside of the faith. The foundations available to us in the world are weak and cannot endure or withstand the storms. God wants us to grow and mature into the image of Christ, that is why He tells us to pray in the Holy Spirit; because that is the way we keep ourselves aligned with His plans, fortified and refreshed all the time.

The project of building ourselves up is not a one-day event. It’s a life long journey that requires us to communicate constantly with the chief engineer, God. That is why we need to pray in the Holy Spirit to be able to build the version of ourselves that God is looking for.

Dear Father, give me the grace to keep building on my most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit.

Prophetic Declaration: Psalms 91

Bible In One Year: Proverbs [25–28]
Awakening 2020 — Let’s Pray All Day

