Faith for the Gospel

29th OCTOBER 2020

Christ for Youth International
3 min readOct 29, 2020


Christ for Youth International

So then, faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the Word of God. [Romans 10:17 AFV]

Words are powerful. They have the power to stir up faith in the heart of a person or to quench the last flicker of fire left in a heart. Words are all around us and we hear them or read them all the time. That is why we must be cautious and intentional about what we listen to; our music, environment and even our friends. Even at this particular point in time, the words of this devotional are ministering to you as you read. Jesus is quoted in John 6:63 for saying “… The words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life”.

Primarily, our lives, as believers, ought to speak the message of the gospel. We must however bear in mind that we must also preach the message of the gospel with words. God being so good, speaking (communication) is a major part of our lives. Our failure to speak the words of the gospel to the lost creates room for the enemy to send forth his words. The words of the enemy always lead to condemnation, guilt and accusations in the absence of the Word of God. It is only the words of the gospel that offer life, and life in abundance.

If indeed faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of God, then as believers, we cannot be silent where the gospel is concerned.

It is no fault of the lost that they do not believe in Jesus if we do not play our part in ensuring that they hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They must constantly hear the Gospel message which has the power to build their faith and cause them to believe. The Bible says in Romans [10:14] “But how can people call on Him for help if they’ve not yet believed? And how can they believe in one they’ve not yet heard of? And how can they hear the message of life if there is no one there to proclaim it?”

We plead with you to proclaim the gospel; it must be our priority. It is both a great privilege for anyone to share the gospel and a command that needs to be obeyed. The more we share the gospel with the lost, the more faith comes to them for them to believe. God is counting on your partnership with His Spirit to send salvation to all and sundry.

Do not deny God your voice; allow Him to use it to invite someone into eternal life today. The Holy Spirit will enable you and show you what you ought to say. All you have to do is to GO!

Dear Lord, thank You for empowering us to share the Gospel of Christ with the lost.

Further Readings: Hebrews 4:12

Bible In One Year: 1 John [2–5]

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Daily devotional of Christ for Youth International (CYI)

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