Harvesting Faith

24th JANUARY 2024

Christ for Youth International
2 min readJan 24, 2024


Christ for Youth International

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 KJV

In the book of John, chapter 21, after His resurrection, Jesus Christ asked Peter if he loved Him. Similarly, during our year of harvest, the Lord is asking us the same question — do we love Him enough to take care of His sheep and feed them? To do the harvest, the Lord requires us to maintain a constant relationship with Him. Therefore, He is asking us to walk in fellowship with Him today.

Peter was given the task of caring for the sheep in John 21. The best way to do this was to sit at the feet of the Great Shepherd. In our Harvest year, to effectively reach out to people, we must remain humble and seek guidance from the Saviour. This can be achieved through reading and meditating on the Bible. In John 15:3–5, Jesus highlights the importance of staying connected to Him. In John 1, Jesus is referred to as the Word that became life. It is crucial to have a connection with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God before embarking on work in the field.

Those who harvest the rewards of faith are those planted in the Word of God.

To be effective, we must learn to sit at the feet of the Saviour with a humble heart and study His Word. Remarkably, the LORD is always close to His children, even when they are working in the field. By following His instructions and spending time with Him, our journey in this world would be much easier. David, in the book of Psalms, understood that it is through the Word of God that we can see the path to life.

As we conclude, we would like to encourage you to take some time to sit at God’s feet if you want to work in the Harvest. It would be wise to pray and ask the Lord of the Harvest for guidance on how to do the work and how He wants it done. As in the case of David and other wise leaders, it is crucial to seek God’s counsel before making any important decision, including going to war. God is always looking for those who seek Him and His guidance. Psalm 14:2.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your Word, that is light unto my path. I pray that You teach me to stay humble and to apply Your Word to my life. Help me and grant me wisdom to receive the faith that comes from Your word. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Further Reading: Psalms 1:2–3 / Psalm 119:105

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