I am Holy

30th MARCH 2022

Christ for Youth International
3 min readMar 30, 2022


Christ for Youth International

Always live as God’s holy people should, because God is the one who chose you, and he is holy. That’s why the Scriptures say, “I am the holy God, and you must be holy too.” 1 Peter 1:15–16 CEV

All through the Bible, we see that any person God called for a purpose or an assignment, was required to lead a different lifestyle. Usually, this different lifestyle was not dependent on the qualities of the person, nor was it subject to who the person was before the call. Rather, it was dependent on the quality of the purpose and the One who made the appointment. Consider Abraham, Jacob, Esther, Ruth, Paul and all the disciples. Now, do you know you have been called by God? Do you know there is an assignment, a purpose, a vision for you to manifest?

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

If there is one thing about our identity as Christians that we can not deny, it is the fact that we are called. The name itself, Christian, implicates us; it means we are like Christ [follower of Christ]. If you believe that all things are working together for your good, then you need to know and accept the truth that you have been called by the same God who is working out all things for your good. Why are we talking about holiness and yet, laying a lot of emphasis on being called and following? Well, the point is to let you know that holiness is very possible.

When we limit our understanding of holiness to ceremonial religious cleansing, amongst other things, we miss the fundamental aspect. Remember the verse says, Always live as God’s holy people should, because God is the one who chose you, and he is holy. This is not an occasional thing. That is where being called and following Christ comes into play. Show us a person who diligently follows Christ, and we are sure to show you a holy person. By walking according to the new self in Christ, we lead a life of holiness. So it is not about going after a set of rules and making sure you stick with it. No, holiness is about knowing you have been called by God to follow Christ and accepting the help of the Holy Spirit to do it. It is your new way of life in Christ that opposes the world’s standards and opinions.

Heavenly Father, thank You for making me holy. As I commit to following Christ daily, may the transformation taking place in my mind, be evident in my lifestyle, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Further Reading: Leviticus 19:2

Bible In One Year: 2 Samuel [18–21]


