Love Covers a Multitude of Sins

22nd FEBRUARY, 2021

Christ for Youth International
2 min readFeb 22, 2021


Christ for Youth International

“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8 (ESV)

The Greek word translated as “deeply,” “earnestly,” or “fervently” is ektenē and it is usually used to describe the muscles of an athlete straining to win a race. Likewise, Paul is trying to tell us in this letter that we should strive to love one another at all cost, no matter what and above all else.

As believers, we must learn to overlook the shortcomings of our neighbours if we are going to learn to love them just as Christ loves us. In the same way that Christ loves us regardless of our flaws, we must learn to extend that same type of grace to everyone around us. It is not easy for us to love others when we rely on our own strength. So it is always important that we lean on the Holy Spirit at all times if we are going to be able to love others earnestly.

Christians are not perfect. We have set ourselves up to live our lives away from sin but sometimes we fall short and fail to obey the voice of God or the voices of authority that God has placed over our lives. Loving one another means being ready to forgive and build one another up when we fall. When we do this, resentment and sin cannot thrive among us.

Many small offences and even big ones can be readily and easily overlooked where love abounds in a fellowship of Christians.

Thank You Jesus for Your unending love. Holy Spirit, please bring me to a place where I am able to overlook the flaws of my brethren and love them unconditionally, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Further Reading: Proverbs 10:12 / James 5:20

Bible In One Year: Numbers [24- 27]

