
9th MARCH 2022

Christ for Youth International
2 min readMar 9, 2022


Christ for Youth International

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. [Romans 8:37 NIV]

Who remembers the story of the two men who built their houses, one in the sand and one on a rock? Do you realise the problem was not about the design or quality of the structure? The difference between what happened to both houses when the storm came was a result of where they were built. The house built on sand crumbled, but the one built on the rock stood firm.

You must not be scared or confused if the storms of life come your way. These storms may come as spiritual or demonic attacks, health problems, tensions with family members and loved ones, disappointment, low self-esteem, death of loved ones, financial and educational challenges etc. That doesn’t mean God no longer loves you or that your free trial as a believer is over. These things aren’t easy to go through and in the throes of your worries, it’s painful to hear that God knows best, but God knows best! And also, challenges are supposed to help us grow more and more like Christ every day.

If we build our lives on Christ the rock, If He is our foundation, when those storms come, we have His unfailing truths to hold onto. God doesn’t lie. Everything He says comes to pass, if He says that He will take you through your troubles, He will. And that gives you hope in difficult times. As a result of us being saved, we became more than conquerors through Christ. You are not a defeated person in life. The fundamentals of your being and identity do not allow you to be defeated. If the consistency of the nature of Christ is irrefutable, then so long as that nature works through you, you shall overcome.

Heavenly Father, thank You for not only giving me victory, but for also making me more than a conqueror. In any area of life, where I may have accepted defeat, I rise to the occasion with this understanding of who I am in You, and I claim victory in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Further Reading: 1 John 4:4

Bible In One Year: Joshua [18–21]


