Seated in Heavenly Places

10th MARCH 2022

Christ for Youth International
2 min readMar 10, 2022


Christ for Youth International

“And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.” [Ephesians 2:6 NIV]

Do you know who you are? Are you very sure of your identity as a believer? That is if you are a believer. Here is the executive summary: You are a child of God; you are loved, you are prised by Majesty. You are worth the blood of the Lamb, the blood of God’s own Son! You are expensive! The devil cannot afford you, believe it.

But you already knew this if you have taken the time to explore God’s word. The book of Ephesians is ripe with the truths of our identity in Christ, and you would do yourself a favour to pore over the pages of that book until you see yourself as God sees you.

Now, here’s a different question: Do you know where you are?

It is interesting to find out that in addition to your physical geographic location, you have a spiritual location. The first time we see this is all the way back in the Book of Genesis, when God asked Adam, “Where are you?” Since that day, God has worked steadily to return man to his originally designated spiritual position in Himself.

Through our faith in Christ’s death and resurrection, we are raised up with Christ and seated with Him in heavenly places. Though we are in this world, we are not of this world. We are citizens of Heaven, hidden in Christ. This is a place of authority and safety. Nothing can get to you without the permission of our Lord, and if He allowed it, rest assured, you can defeat it.

Child of God, whatever you face, remember this: we do not just fight for victory; we fight from a position of victory, far above all principalities and powers [Ephesians 1:21].

Walk in this truth today!

Thank You Father for reminding me today of my identity. Help me to daily walk boldly in this truth come what may. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Further Reading: Colossians 3:1–3

Bible In One Year: Joshua [22–24] & Judges [1]

