Trusting His Sovereign Plan

14TH MARCH 2024

Christ for Youth International
2 min readMar 14, 2024


Christ for Youth International

“You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power; For you created all things, And by your will they exist and were created”. [Revelations 4:11]

Our existence on earth today is a result of God’s approval. God created all things, and they exist by His will. No one is a mistake on earth. God knew us before we were formed, and He has a purpose concerning every life. Our geographical location, nationality, and family may not be our first choice if we had the option to choose, however, God knows exactly what He is doing. Even the innumerable stars in the galaxies are all maintained in perfect order, and He knows each one of them by name.

We need to understand that we are walking with a very great God whose wisdom far surpasses all the wisdom in this world put together.

The scripture says in Isaiah 55:8–9 that His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are also higher than our thoughts. We should learn to fully trust in God’s sovereign purpose for our lives. When we accept God’s divine truth that we live on earth by His will, we will have more reverential fear towards Him, knowing that our lives depend on His decisions. This is the reason we should surrender our lives to God daily.

God knows us and knows why He created each individual uniquely. Our lives will never be fulfilled without the touch and direction of God.

He knows your every step and knows the path that will make you succeed. The only way to mature in wisdom and honour so as to be of great eternal significance is by allowing Him to teach you about yourself. Yes, you can learn many things about yourself on your own, but you can never know more than the One who created you.

He has the trajectory of your life and desires to see you prosper and succeed. Therefore, no matter where you are from or what you are going through, have in mind that Jesus has the master plan and will lead you to a fulfilled and marvellous end.

Dear Lord, as I offer my life to you knowing that by your will I exist, please lead my every step and help me to succeed in this life and in eternity in Jesus’ name., Amen.

Prophetic Declaration: Psalm 91

Bible in One Year: Deuteronomy [27–30]


