Pursue Wisdom

9th OCTOBER 2021

Christ for Youth International
2 min readOct 9, 2021


Christ for Youth International

Then you will understand righteousness and justice and equity, every good path; for wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; [Proverbs 2:9‭-‬10 NRSV]

Proverbs 2 details the value of wisdom and all the reasons for which we should ardently seek it. In verses 9 and 10, various benefits are mentioned. They include understanding righteousness, justice, equity and knowing every good path.

That sounds like an answered prayer. How so often we have grumbled about the injustice in the world, of the unfairness in our society, of the many crimes that seemingly go unpunished and of the headache of making life-altering decisions without knowing for sure which option is the best.

Godly wisdom is the answer to all these woes. Godly wisdom helps us understand that we are the righteousness of God, thus as we operate from this place of righteousness we give fair justice to all, and equity for different groups as per their needs.

Godly wisdom helps us to communicate better with God so that we know His will and purpose for our lives, and choose our paths accordingly. The power of Godly wisdom is so transformative that it's not just the answer to our problems, it makes us an answer to the problems in this world.

Indeed, as is stated in the 10th verse of Proverbs 2, when we seek wisdom it will come into our hearts transforming us from the inside out, and the knowledge it does this with is pleasant to our soul.

So, what are you actively doing today to make this your reality? How are you perusing wisdom and all she offers?

Dear Father, may I walk in Your wisdom today. Thank You for being my wisdom as I go through my day today.

Further Reading: Proverbs 3:13

Bible In One Year: Romans [11–14]

Christ for Youth International

