ACT Alliance Climate Ambassadors

Christian Aid
Christian Aid Campaigns
3 min readAug 7, 2015

Our ACT Climate Ambassadors speak on behalf of our international climate campaign, ACT Now for Climate Justice, about the impacts of climate change, calling for concerted political action. They are committed to preventing climate change, demanding concrete actions from world leaders.

Learn what each of the ambassadors have to say about climate change below.

Please note: this page is still in progress.

South Africa: The Rev Thabo Makgoba, Archbishop of Cape Town

‘Climate change is a moral and a justice issue.’

Read our latest blog with Archbishop Thabo here.

United States: The Rev John L McCullough of the Church World Service

‘Today we have an opportunity to have an impact on climate change.’

Holland: The Rev Karine Van Broeke, President of the Synod of the PKN

‘Climate change is about justice, justice to the earth and all the creatures living on it.’

Kenya: The Rev Canon Peter KaranjaGeneral Secretary, National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK)

Scotland: The Rev Sally Foster Fulton, Church of Scotland

‘There is no more critical issue than climate change.’

Uganda: The Rev Stanley Ntagali, Archbishop of the Church of Uganda

England: The Rev Nicholas Holtam, Bishop of Salisbury

‘We look to our governments to scale up public finances and deliver an agreement to enable the poorest to adapt to climate change and to develop in a low-carbon sustainable way.’

Mozambique : Rev. Marcos Makama, Christian Council of Churches, General Secretary-Elect

South Africa: Rev. Luke Dlamini, Executive Secretary for the South Africa Council of Churches (SACC)

Botswana: Bishop Champion Malongwa, Anglican Diocese of Botswana

Zambia: Rev. Dr. Suzanne Matale, Executive Director, Council of Churches of Zambia



Christian Aid
Christian Aid Campaigns

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