ACT Now for Climate Justice campaigns in every corner of the world: Scandinavia

Christian Aid
Christian Aid Campaigns
2 min readSep 11, 2015
From left to right: Princess Mette Marit of Norway, Anne-Marie Helland from Norwegian Church Aid and Princess Victoria of Sweden as they walk for climate justice.

I have been truly bowled-over by the determination and passion of people all across the world to tackle climate change this year. We’ve seen thousands of people around the world calling politicians to action on climate change for the sake of the worlds’ poorest. From lobbying MPs on the streets of Westminster to cycling across Africa, people are speaking out loudly for action on climate change.

Through Act Now for Climate Justice, we’re seeing momentum for climate justice continue to build in all corners of the world. Here’s a spotlight on what’s been happening in Scandinavia with royalty, Bishops and a bottle of water:

Between Norway and Sweden, 3000 climate pilgrims have walked, sailed, run and biked 60,000 kilometres for climate justice this summer.

Their message to decision makers is clear:

‘2015 must be the year when the world gets a fair climate agreement and changes its course away from a growing climate crisis’ — Anne-Marie Helland, Secretary General of Norwegian Church Aid.

Bishop Atle Sommerfeldt from Borg in Norway and Bishop Per Eckerdal from Gothenburg in Sweden led the pilgrimage. In a moving speech, Bishop Sommerfeldt said:

‘We ask heads of state to take responsibility for achieving a binding, global agreement when they meet in Paris in December. There must be an agreement that gives the poor, who are hardest hit by climate change, protection and development.’

Princess Mette-Marit of Norway and Princess Victoria of Sweden joined the Bishops in the six kilometre long walk from Halden to Strømstad. At the Norwegian-Swedish border, the Norwegian Princess handed over a symbolic bottle of water to the Swedish Princess. The water is a symbol of life and how climate change is a threat to the water we all need.

The bottle contained water collected at all the parts of the Climate Pilgrimage through Norway this summer. The pilgrimage will now continue in Sweden and all the way to Paris as a part of the Act Now for Climate Justice campaign.

Join with the pilgrims by signing our petition and adding your voice to our call to act now for climate justice.



Christian Aid
Christian Aid Campaigns

An agency of more than 40 churches in Britain and Ireland wanting to end poverty around the world.