Call on the UK Government to join us in bringing peace

Christian Aid
Christian Aid Campaigns
2 min readNov 23, 2018

You can be a peacemaker this year by supporting our Christmas Appeal to help people recovering from violence and conflict worldwide.

Violence destroys lives, tearing communities apart wherever it strikes. But while peace may be broken every day, it is also built every day — by strong women and men determined to heal their communities.

Frontline peacemakers like Hamza (pictured) are working across the world. Your donations will support them in bringing peace. You can donate here.

Hamza Essa’s family was ripped apart by the conflict in Syria and they fled to Lebanon. In 2017, Hamza started coming to the children’s centre run by Association Najdeh to visit the social workers and take part in activities, including art therapy. Hamza now helps other children at the centre.

We also need to challenge those who are breaking peace.

Christmas time has never been more dangerous for the people of Yemen, with half the population on the brink of famine due to the attacks and fighting.

Yet the UK continues to sell arms to the Saudi-led coalition carrying out indiscriminate attacks on civilians there.

This Christmas will you send the UK’s Foreign Secretary a Christmas card with a message for him to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia immediately.

We also want to see the UK also championing human rights, peace-building and mediation in all its global efforts.

You can use any Christmas card and we’ve provided some suggested text below. But, please do change this to make it your own.

Suggested text:

Dear Foreign Secretary

Christmas time has never been more dangerous for the people of Yemen, with half the population on the brink of famine due to the fighting.

Yet the UK is selling arms to the Saudi-led coalition carrying out indiscriminate attacks on civilians.

We call on you to be a peacemaker.

Please suspend UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia immediately and work with all parties to cease hostilities and allow humanitarian access to those most in need. Please Also champion human rights, peacebuilding and mediation in the UK’s global efforts.

Wishing you a peaceful Christmas

Where should you send your cards?

You can send your cards to

Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
King Charles Street

In the coming weeks we’ll be launching a new report into peace-building to support the campaign.

To join thousands of others in campaigning for a better world, you can sign up for email updates here



Christian Aid
Christian Aid Campaigns

An agency of more than 40 churches in Britain and Ireland wanting to end poverty around the world.