Walking together on our journey to tackle climate change

Christian Aid
Christian Aid Campaigns
2 min readMay 18, 2015
Our Advocacy intern, Sarah Dickson, on why we must work together globally to tackle climate change.

‘Let us all walk more closely with one another on our common journey’ Archbishop Thabo Makgoba

These words capture the essence of what inspires me in my work: to help build a movement of people tackling climate change with colleagues across the world.

Climate change is global; it is affecting everyone, especially the world’s poorest and most vulnerable. From our neighbours in the UK hit by last year’s floods, to Lilian in Zimbabwe, who like many farmers is vulnerable to an ever changing, even drier climate.

Act Now for Climate Justice

Archbishop Thabo Makgoba is an influential social justice advocate in South Africa and newly appointed Global Climate Ambassador for the international climate campaign: Act Now for Climate Justice.

Act Now for Climate Justice is being led by the ACT Alliance — a coalition of more than 140 organisations and churches that Christian Aid is part of — working together in countries across the world to create positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people.

Together, we are calling on world leaders to act fairly and ambitiously on climate change.

Momentum is really building and people are acting now for climate justice: our petition is growing, caravans are being prepared to pilgrimage across Africa and Europe and inspirational ambassadors such as Archbishop Thabo are adding their prophetic voices to the campaign for climate justice (watch this video to hear a snippet from his recent interview).

UN climate talks in December

The UN climate talks taking place this December will bring together world leaders for another opportunity to help the world’s poorest people cope with the impacts of climate change and to lay the foundation for them to develop in a sustainable way. We need all world leaders to know that we’re demanding action on climate change.

You can help make this happen by adding your voice to this petition to our Prime Minister, David Cameron.

It will be added to calls from other campaigners demanding climate justice from all around the world.

Join with us

Join with us, Archbishop Thabo and our partners across the world.

Let’s walk more closely with one another on our common journey and build a movement that transforms the world.



Christian Aid
Christian Aid Campaigns

An agency of more than 40 churches in Britain and Ireland wanting to end poverty around the world.