Programme in pictures: inside the GEOP project

Growing Economic Opportunities for Sustainable Development, from Christian Aid Ghana

Christian Aid Global
Christian Aid
3 min readJun 27, 2018


From bead making to soap production, the Growing Economic Opportunities for Sustainable Development (GEOP) project has offered people across Ghana training in a wide variety of areas.

Since the project began last year, it has created significant change, particularly in the lives of people with disabilities.

The three-year, EU-funded project aims to foster partnerships between civil society and local authorities, to promote local job creation.

The €947,000 project began last year and will run until 2019.

Here we take a look inside the lives of those impacted by the GEOP project through pictures.

Dignifying lives through GEOP — Christian Aid Ghana
Amina Issah Ebanyinle lives in the Kamgbunli community in Ellembelle District, Ghana. The 42-year-old is divorced and has three children. Amina was born with a disability in her left leg and was actively involved in the needs assessment process and selection of people with disabilities (PWDs) for the vocational skills training of the GEOP project.
The project trained Amina in bead making and taught her how to produce necklaces, bracelets, earrings and slippers. Amina said: “Participating in the training was the best decision in my life as I can now use my hand to work and provide the basic needs of my family.”
To create a niche for her in the market, Amina uses beads to design beaded slippers. She distributes the finished products to her PWD colleagues who own shops in neighbouring communities to be sold.
Chief of Mezezor, Nana Akye Blay VII, was a participant and a beneficiary trainee of the land tenure security training organised for Chiefs and traditional leaders in Ellembelle District as part of efforts to encourage the on land deeds registrations and preparation of settlement plans or development schemes.
Agnes Karnanh, Isaac Essah and Grace Opoku live in the Asasetere community in the Ellembelle District of Ghana. They were participants of the vocational skills training carried out through the GEOP project. After the training, they formed a partnership to produce and sell liquid soap and other detergents.
They formed a group and now Grace, Agnes and Isaac meet at Agnes’s house to produce the soaps and detergents, and then share the products among themselves to sell. Profit is shared equally among the team.
Isaac Essah, is a beneficiary of the GEOP project and has been trained in the production of liquid soap, detergents and hair conditioners. He works together with two other colleagues, Grace and Agnes, in a partnership to create products for sale in the local markets.
The workshop of 40-year-old Kaku Famiyeh, a beneficiary of the GEOP project who trained in leather works specifically in the production of male shoes. Kaku has four children and lives with his wife in Nkroful, in the Ellembelle District. On display are some of the sandals made by Kaku for sale in the local community.
Just a week after being trained in leather work, Kaku Famiyuh had already made four pairs of shoes to sell. Christian Aid and its partners are now looking for ways to link Kaku’s blossoming new business with keen buyers.
As a beneficiary of the GEOP project, Grace Opoku was also trained in the production of liquid soap, detergents and hair conditioners. This is how she makes her livelihood, working together with her two colleagues, Isaac and Agnes.
Co-funded by the European Union and Christian Aid

The Growing Economic Opportunities for Sustainable Development project (GEOP) is a three-year, EU-funded project that aims to foster strong partnerships between civil society and local authorities, to promote local job creation, revenue mobilisation and expansion of economic activities.

The project is implemented in the Ellembelle District, Western Region, and Ayawaso East and Ablekuma South sub-metros of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly, Ghana.

Find out more about the Find out more about the GEOP project at



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