
(n.) that which is very real but beyond analysis and description.

3 min readMar 17, 2014

“In the present moment you have access to the power of life itself, that which has been traditionally called God. When you stray from that moment, all you’re left with is the concept of God. Even the belief of God is a poor substitute for the reality of God manifesting every moment for your life.” Eckart Tolle, author.

It’s time we change the way we talk about God. For some people, God is a man with a big white beard on a throne far away in the sky that will punish you for your sins. As some have reached a different level of spiritual awareness, it is a difficult concept to grasp because it implies that we are separate from the Source.

A huge transformation is happening at this day and age to people across the globe. There is a strong sense of urgency among us to start making BIG moves in our lives. This feeling is not necessarily because we need to do X, Y or Z. This feeling is because we simply refuse to live another day without joy or profound connection with the Source.

Would you say that you are happy? So many people have painful emotional attachments to their past that they can’t seem to let go. We are so afraid to take steps in creating a better life for ourselves because we have a fear of failure.

Marriane Williamson, author of A Return to Love, says it beautifully when she states, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

In order to be powerful and spiritually aware, you must practice every single day. Yes, every day. Your spirit muscle needs discipline and training constantly, just like any other muscle in your body.

The U.S. endurance swimmer, Diana Nyad who completed the epic 110-mile swim from Cuba to Florida in 2013, trained by swimming for countless hours to prepare. The U.S. Indian-American author and New Age guru, Deepak Chopra who has written over 50 books translated in 35 languages, trains his mind by sometimes meditating for hours on end. These are two extreme examples with the same concept: Practice makes perfect.

So…what’s the secret?

You would benefit from learning to live in the present. When you are in the present, you can grow stronger. When you are in the present, you only have to focus on taking one step forward at a time. With each conscious step, you begin building an unconscious habit..

Note: It’s ok to have memories, but never forget that the past doesn’t deserve your attention like the present moment does. Now is all we have.

Although you have been holding onto the past, you are beginning to let go of the fear. Because you live in the present, past failures, disappointments and losses don’t even exist. You are coming to the realization that you would not be the evolved soul that you are, without having gone through the difficult times. It would be an absolute insult to your soul to not know that you are in the exact place at the exact time you need to be.

“The issue isn’t whether you are a spiritual being, the issue is whether your eyes are open and you are aware of it.” Rob Bell, author and pastor.

We all need a new way to talk about God. God is Grenzbegriff.




Entrepreneur. Student of Religion and Spirituality. Teacher. Creator. Motivator. Seeker. Philanthropist. Traveler.