Believing God’s Promises

Peter Kennedy
Christian Devotional
2 min readSep 17, 2023


Paul David Tripp

“Praise be to the LORD, who has given rest to his people Israel just as he promised. Not one word has failed of all the good promises he gave through his servant Moses.” — 1 Kings 8:56

In his book “Awe”, author Paul David Tripp writes: “God’s promises are meant to move and motivate us. They are meant to instill hope. They are meant to give us courage. They are meant to defeat feelings of loneliness, inability, and fear. They are meant to give us peace when things around us are chaotic and confusing. God’s promises are meant to blow your mind and settle your heart. They are his gifts of grace to you.

In your heart of hearts, you know you could never have earned the riches that he pours down on you. His promises are meant to leave you in awe of him and in wonder at the glory of his grace. His promises are designed to be the way that you interpret and make sense of your life.

I am amazed at the numbers of believers I meet who are in some state of spiritual paralysis because they no longer believe the promises of God. Because they don’t believe the promises of God, they don’t have much reason to continue doing the radical things that God calls every one of his children to do. When doubt replaces awe, you will soon give up on all the gospel disciplines of the Christian life.



Peter Kennedy
Christian Devotional

I have been writing devotionals since April 1996. I have 10,000+ subscribers. I am a graduate of Bethel Seminary in San Diego and I am an Executive Pastor.