He Must Become Greater

Peter Kennedy
Christian Devotional
2 min readMay 4, 2022


John Ashcroft

“He must become greater; I must become less.” — John 3:30

In 1995, John Ashcroft was a newly elected senator. He gathered with close family and friends in a room adjacent to the U.S. Capitol building just hours prior to his swearing-in ceremony.

It was a solemn time of dedication and commitment. The senator’s 83-year-old father — frail from a debilitating heart condition — summoned the strength to issue a simple admonishment to his son. He warned of the “arrogance” of life in Washington and charged his son to embrace humility. “Nothing of lasting value in the world had ever been accomplished in a spirit of arrogance,” the father said.

As those assembled prepared for a moment of private prayer, the senator noticed his father struggling to get out of the sofa and join in the prayer. “Dad, you don’t need to struggle to stand,” he said.

His father responded. “Son, I’m not struggling to stand. I’m struggling to kneel.”

As we grow in Christ, we need to become more humble and give more glory to the Lord. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that He is worthy of our praise and give Him glory throughout the day.

“We must view humility as one of the most essential things that characterize Christianity.” — Jonathan Edwards

God’s Word: “Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” — Matthew 18:4

By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2022, Devotional E-Mail




Peter Kennedy
Christian Devotional

I have been writing devotionals since April 1996. I have 10,000+ subscribers. I am a graduate of Bethel Seminary in San Diego and I am an Executive Pastor.