He Wants All To Be Saved

Peter Kennedy
Christian Devotional
2 min readFeb 8, 2024


Ashley Cleveland

“This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” — 1 Timothy 2:3–4

By her mid-twenties, Ashley Cleveland was a full-fledged alcoholic and drug user. Though she went to church as a child, it was her addictions that took over her life.

“I would manage it for a little while, and then eventually, inevitably, you know, I would go way too far and the dominoes would begin falling very quickly in the wrong direction,” Ashley said. It wasn’t until she became a single mother that she started to look to Jesus.

Ashley said. “And I’m lying in that recovery room — and, you know, it was like the spirit of the Lord inhabited that room and He pulled back this invisible curtain and said to me, I am not who you think I am. And I thought, boy, no kidding. But in that moment, I knew one thing, and that one thing changed everything. I knew that He loved me. That was really the beginning of faith for me.”

Today, Ashley has been sober for over 15 years. She is married to guitarist Kenny Greenberg and has three children. The three-time Grammy winner has written an autobiography. She hopes her book and life story inspire those who feel too broken to be loved.

“What I would say to you or anybody else is come to Jesus,” Ashley said. “I’m just saying come to…



Peter Kennedy
Christian Devotional

I have been writing devotionals since April 1996. I have 10,000+ subscribers. I am a graduate of Bethel Seminary in San Diego and I am an Executive Pastor.