How to have light, faith and hope in a world where christian values are disappearing.

Christian Faith
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2018
“Holy Bible on black wooden bench” by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

If you flip on the news or scroll your social feed, chances are you’ll see something depressing. We hear all of the time of the latest tragedy or calamity that happened somewhere in the world.

With all of these negative voices, it sure seems as if Christian Values are disappearing and being replaced by hate, anger and violence.

How can we keep our faith? How can we maintain hope in the midst of all of this dispair all around us?

I think that it’s important to remember that the loudest voices do not represent the majority. If we think about the stories we read in the Bible, the story of Daniel and the Lions Den comes to mind.

The King and his court were just a small minority of the people, yet had the loudest voices because of their position as King and his direct reports.

Because of this, Daniel might have thought that he should do what the King was telling him to do.

But Daniel was faithful and instead was saved and preserved because He remembered that despite the loudest voices, he knew which voice he should follow.

We can do the same by remembering to focus on the word of God, instead of the words of the loud voices that seemingly surround us in the world.

I promise you that if you do give heed to the word of God — you’ll find greater peace, hope and a renewed faith.



Christian Faith

Writing advice to become dedicated men, husbands, fathers and entrepreneurs who are champions in every aspect of their lives.