AHF S14 Entering Into The Rest of Redemption (series 2)

Joseph Ola Okunola
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2019

In our last study, we came to the point that we saw the possibility of not entering into the rest which God Himself promised. This necessitated the need for a trembling fear in our heart so as not to fail in entering into the rest at any time. This is because there are saints of old who could not enter into their rest. First because of their unbelief, and secondly, because they rebelled against the word of God rather than hearkening to His word.

“Let us therefore be diligent to enter…” Heb.4:11(NKJV)

Entering into the rest of God is a collaborative effort that requires both your effort and that of the set man over your life. The correct ministry of every leader is to ensure that he leads his people into their rest. If God, in mercy, brought you under a man that has passion for this, then you ought to value and appreciate that life as well as permit his labour. If he is labouring over your life and you have a negative heart, this will not be to your profit.

Rest is the essence of coming into Christ. The whole of Christianity speaks of God giving His people rest. This is why we are having this study, it is also the reason why we labour over lives — trusting God that each person would enter into God’s rest. We know that no one can enter into His rest until he has entered into His Life. This is the essence of our systematic approach in this Bible Study series — CARRYING JESUS.

If you haven’t been following the series. Visit our YouTube page to watch previous messages or check our AHF Series on Medium, or visit www.christianfamilyline.com.

What Does It Mean For The Word to Profit a Life

“For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it”

Heb.4:2 (NKJV)

Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash
  1. A life that is profited by God’s word is transformed in his way of life. His usual way of life becomes a thing of the past. Then he begins to live a new life.
  2. It turns a man from being against God to being on God’s side.
  3. A life that is profited by the word of God has an understanding of the scriptures and ability to live its demands.
  4. Such a life brings forth expected fruits of holiness and righteousness. He produces the fruits in multiple folds — thirty fold, sixty fold and hundredfold.
  5. Every word of God has an expectation, once this is achieved in a man’s life, then the Word has prospered in such life.
  6. The word changes such a life and the effect is felt by others who surround him.

Are there times in your life when you’ve heard God’s word over and over again, and it never profited your life? It happens to many believers. However, I want you to trust God to cultivate a new habit of believing His Word. Even though you fail a thousand times, keep on telling God that you believe His word even though it has not profited you, pray that He will help your unbelieve.

The word of God won’t profit your life if you don’t believe what God says to you. Even if it seems bigger than you, believe it. Unbelief was the reason the word didn’t profit the men of old. Anytime you hear the word of God, and your quick conclusion is that the preacher is attacking you, rather than accepting it as God talking to you, then the word can never profit your life.

Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

You cannot rebel against the man of God and prosper (2Chro. 20:20). If you believe that God is your father, then you must believe His Prophet. A Prophet is anyone that speaks the oracle of God, believing them is what makes you prosper. Prosperity has nothing to do with material things, it is a spiritual thing.

God will not come from heaven to speak to you. He has chosen to speak through His prophet. A careful look into the lives of those who perished in the wilderness will reveal to you their excesses — they were always finding faults against Moses (2Chro.36:15–16). Whatever you do to God’s servant is recorded as done against God. Although you cannot see God physically, His servants have been positioned here on earth as His delegates.

Check your heart, have you been a victim of mocking God’s servant? Even if it is done in your heart, it is sufficient to hinder you from entering into the rest that God has provided for you. It is also the reason why God’s word hasn’t profited your life. Do you despise God’s word in their mouth?

There are people sent from the devil — they preach against the servant of God — they don’t speak in public, they sneak into your homes and your heart to corrupt your mind against God’s servant. Listening to such people will bring eternal damnation to you.

You need to repent of these acts. If God has been so merciful to bear your excesses until now, there is a terminal point to it, when there will be no more remedy, just as God swore in His name that those men would not enter into His rest. What shall be your response to these things?

You can watch the video message on our YouTube Channel. Click on the YouTube video below. Or you can click here to download the audio message.



Joseph Ola Okunola

A Child of God and bondservant of the LORD Jesus Christ. Committed to the souls of men. Pursuing the salvation of souls, seasoning the saved in discipleship.