AHF Study 12: Knowing Who You Are (series 3)

Joseph Ola Okunola
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2019

Until you grow to become a mature son, you’ll never be able to access your redemption rights. It’s not enough that you are a child of God, you must grow to become a son of God else you’ll remain a slave forever (Gal 4:1). God’s provision to attain this maturity is to bring you under Kingdom tutors who are planted by God to raise a child to become a son.

This week we shall be concluding the study as we dig deeper into the word of God to discover our true personality in Christ.

Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash

As a citizen of heaven, God expects you to represent Him everywhere you go and He is very committed to protecting you while you are here as His ambassador, so nothing is permitted to happen to you without His knowledge.

It is absurd to see you impoverish as a child of God because abundance is your heritage, for Christ became poor that you might be rich. So, it is God’s perfect will that you should have more than enough. You’re going to be a disgrace to heaven when you go about begging.

The reason you have not enjoyed abundance is that God is afraid that it might possess you, hence, the need to grow up to maturity such that your possessions no longer have a grip on you.

Jesus by virtue of His death on the cross has delivered us from curses. The issues of our sins, sicknesses and diseases have been dealt with. Whatever sickness that has made you a regular customer in the clinic is not the will of God, for your healing awaits you at the cross. Take God by His word and get rid of every sickness in your body.

If Christ is in you, you have access to the wisdom of God. God’s power and wisdom reside in you. You need not be afraid of any power or enemy. Your power surpasses the elementary powers of this world.

The life of Christ in you is eternal life. It cannot be defeated. By Christ’s life, you are a captain. You overcome the world. Believe it, you’re a god! You should appear before the powers of darkness as a god. They should be terrified by your presence and not the other way round.

You have been raised with Christ. You have been enthroned with Christ. Hence, all enemies are under your feet because they’re all under Jesus’ feet. You’re above them all.

Photo by Jason Hogan on Unsplash

The devil does a good job at trying to make sure you are blinded to these truths. On the other side, your negligence to pursue growth is denying you your redemption rights in Christ. Get irritated by the negativities that surround you and seek to access your inheritance in Christ. Believe it and enter into it.

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Joseph Ola Okunola

A Child of God and bondservant of the LORD Jesus Christ. Committed to the souls of men. Pursuing the salvation of souls, seasoning the saved in discipleship.