AHF Study 13: Understanding Our Inheritance In Christ (2)

Joseph Ola Okunola
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2019

“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10 KJV)

Jesus’ proclamation in John 10:10b to give us life in abundance is one which every believer must hold on to till it becomes a reality in their life. This prosperous life is evident in the benefits of redemption that accompanies us after salvation, some of which includes:

  • We received from Christ is forgiveness of sin. Once God forgives, He forgives completely, He doesn’t remember our sins any longer.
  • The second is healing,
  • Third is deliverance from destruction. Destruction could come in a different form, one of the common forms of destruction is lack. If God permits lack in your life, it’s for a season. It becomes destruction from hell when it stays with you for a long time. Poverty is also destruction. But Christ has rescued us from all these destructions. Activate these truths by presenting it to God by faith with Psalms 103.
  • Crowning with loving kindness and tender mercies. This is what proves to people around you that you’re serving the true God. Again he gives satisfaction with good things;
  • Renewal of strength like the eagle. It is our redemption right that we grow in age our strength is being renewed.

The most honourable invitation a man can ever get is that of coming into Christ. You can’t completely explore or exhaust the benefits that come with that invitation. Eternity itself cannot exhaust it. There is no better place to be than in Christ. The richest and safest place to be is in Christ. This is not similar to the religious life that most people are used to. These benefits are not for religious people, they are for people who have decided to come to Christ and follow him. Until Christ clothes you with the garment of glory, you cannot access the benefits of redemption.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Our redemption rights are parcelled in the word of God. Hence we must be a serious student of the word of God and live the life of the word. You cannot access or handle divine inheritance until you seek to know the Lord and His word progressively. Just as advancement in technology makes life easier for everyone as scientists, researchers and engineers are constantly improving their knowledge, in like manner, our lives in Christ will get easier as we progress in our knowledge of God and His word. We can only get better and better as we seek to know more and more of Christ. You should note that it is your responsibility to seek more of God’s knowledge and His word.

The path to progressive growth demands that you are submissive, bendable and teachable. If you find it hard to submit to the will of God as you come to know more about Him and His word, your progress will be stunted and you’ll eventually end as a spiritual dwarf. One that God will be ashamed of. This is the reason behind many of our poverty.

Your study of God’s word must be consistent and progressive. Before the word of God can be found in your mouth, you must read the word, commit it to memory, meditate on the word, repeat the process until you understand it and it becomes second nature to you. You should learn to read the word of God by heart. The reason for meditation is to observe to do what was written in the word of God.

Study the word personally, but not alone. Invite the Holy Spirit to give you understanding as you study the word. Do not read to impress anybody. Stop reading religiously, and start to devout yourself to the word of God. You do not have to understand Hebrews or Greek to understand the Bible, the Holy Spirit is available to help you. But the first thing God does when he wants to reveal things to you is to capture your attention.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The prove of your progressive study and knowledge of God’s word that you have is the substance that comes out of you — in speech, relations, and conversations. Do not be Pharisaical in your study of God’s word, the result of a sincere study of God’s word is a light that beams on you to confront you so you can see your true state before God. Not to castigate you but to change you. If you deny such revelations from God’s word as you study, you are only making yourself a candidate of hell. Don’t read the Bible so you can address others. Read it for yourself, not to preach, not to accuse others, but to transform your own life.

Finally, it is necessary to note that no revelation can be greater than that which is in God’s word. Correct revelation comes from God’s word. What shall be your response today to this word? Will you leave your inheritance in Christ to chance? Or you want to pursue to unlock the benefits of your redemption? Remember, it begins with the Word of God.

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Joseph Ola Okunola

A Child of God and bondservant of the LORD Jesus Christ. Committed to the souls of men. Pursuing the salvation of souls, seasoning the saved in discipleship.