AHF Study 13: Understanding Your Inheritance In Christ (3)

Joseph Ola Okunola
Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2019

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: Eph 1:3 (KJV)

We emphasized in our last study the importance of the word of God as the treasure house that contains our inheritance. It is necessary again to reiterate the need for us to consistently and progressively study the word of God to know the Lord. This is important because you cannot handle your inheritance except you know the Lord.

Discovering Your Script

Embedded in the parcel of inheritance is God’s written script for your life. There is a pattern of life and labour God expects of you, and it can only be discovered in the word of God. Failure to discover this script will result in a wasted life, and a fake lifestyle. A man who hasn’t discovered his scripts in the word of God will struggle to live another man’s life.

Photo by Noble Mitchell on Unsplash

For Christ, his script was parcelled in Isaiah 61:1–3. He discovered it by consistently studying the word of God, and he ensured he entered into the reality of the scriptures in his lifetime (Luke 4:19–21). As at this time, Jesus had lived for 30 years. All those years, he was studying the word, discovering what was written concerning him, and drawing closer to the scholars of the Bible, listening to them, gleaning wisdom and understanding of the scripts written concerning him.

No one was born to be a spectator, neither is anyone born in Christ to be a spectator. There is a reason for the natural birth, likewise a reason for the spiritual birth. However, you must grow to know the reason for these two birth. Your inheritance in Christ is spiritual gifts. Therein lies the power of life and godliness. They help you live the way God wants you to live.

If you want to know your script, you must hear God all the time. Learn to hear less of men, and hear more of God. The more you study the word, the more you discover your script to align you in God’s purpose for your life. However, you need the Holy Spirit to interpret the scriptures to you to discover your script in the scriptures.

Discipleship is also an important tool in this process. The essence of discipleship is to mould you and shape you into God’s designed pattern for your life and labour. God assigned you to a discipler to properly align you to discover God’s script for your life as you follow Him under His chosen servant.
Anointing For Service

The reason why you are not anointed is that you haven’t discovered God’s script for your life. God will never anoint you for something He hasn’t called you to do. Anointing only covers God’s purpose for your life. This is why it is essential that you discover the written script concerning your life because it is as you walk in God’s designed path that He anoints you for the work He has called you to do.

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Jesus knew the boundary of his call in the script written concerning him, and he maintained that boundary. Stop coveting another man’s labour. Stay within God’s call for your life, never you try to go beyond the limit of the written script, the anointing does not cover that. Hence, the need to discover your full script in the word of God.

How to Locate Your Script

Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and their a little: Isaiah 28:9,10 (KJV)

God will reveal your scripts unto you in a steady, and progressive manner. You cannot jump steps. It must be precept upon precept. However, the condition for such a revelation is maturity. God will not reveal his precepts to babes, but those who have been weaned from their mother’s breast.

God reveals it one at a time. Precept upon precept. He doesn’t reveal another precept until He is sure you have inculcated the last one He revealed to you, and it becomes a part of your life. God uses tests and trials to confirm this.

Facing Crisis

God brings crisis to prove the heart of His children. If you only depend on people to pray for you in time of crisis, you are doomed to fail. Crisis is God’s arrangement to bring you closer to Him. It is the time you should prove the reality of Christ in your life, rather than depending on other people for prayer or instructions.

Photo by Sweet Ice Cream Photography on Unsplash

Stop searching around for wisdom, the book of wisdom is at your reach. Christ Himself is the wisdom of God, and He resides right inside of you. The reason why you always depend on people is that you have refused to grow. If you are really of God, the right thing to do is to pour out your heart to God in prayers.

The key to accessing your inheritance in Christ is growth, and growth comes by feeding on God’s word. What shall be your response today? To listen to the full message, click here to download.



Joseph Ola Okunola

A Child of God and bondservant of the LORD Jesus Christ. Committed to the souls of men. Pursuing the salvation of souls, seasoning the saved in discipleship.