AHF Study 13: Understanding Your Inheritance In Christ_Series 5

Joseph Ola Okunola
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2019

Our Attitude Towards the Word of God

Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash

The Bible is the living word. It is the sure means by which we can contact Christ (Heb. 4:12,13). Other means such as dreams and visions will only lead you to another Jesus. The path to having a good relationship with Christ is to contact him through the word.

The word of God is living and active. Sometimes when you are weak, and the word of God comes, you’d bounce back strong. When the word comes to you in any situation in life, it turns the whole situation around.

The Bible and Life Challenges

The word is fully operational. It is not dead, but living and active. There is a word of God for whatever challenge you are facing in life. God has spoken in the Bible and He is still speaking today through the Bible. However, your responsibility is to find the word that addresses that situation. If the word will become active in your life, you must eat it.

Whatever God says is full of living power, so it can never fail. You don’t need to doubt whatever God has spoken to you. There is nothing wrong with the word of God, but if your faith fails, then the word won’t work for you. By your faith, you can prove the word of God to be true or not in your own life.

If the word fails in your life, it is not the fault of the word, nor the fault of the preacher, rather, it is your fault. The reality of the Bible has nothing to do with how much of the Bible is in your head, rather, it has to do with how much of the word in the Bible has come alive to you personally.

Your Identity and The Word

You cannot know your real person except you are standing face to face with the word. We cannot do without having interaction with the word. If you understand the nature of the word of God, you will not live your life in pretence or hypocrisy. You won’t live to please humans, because your account will not be to humans but before God. The word of God exposes and analyzes hidden motives, this is why many who live in the flesh hate the word of truth and the preachers of truth.

If you are reading the Bible and you have not found Christ, you have not read the word of God. You have only gained bible knowledge that way. If you want to meet Christ, you don’t need to go to heaven (Rom. 10:8). Don’t go elsewhere to search for Christ. Christ is in the Bible. You do not have to fast and pray or do some spiritual gymnastics before you can find Christ. If you do not seek Christ in the Bible, you will end up finding ghosts through other means.

Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

The Word Sees You

We are going to give an account of everything we do and say. Let it sink into your spirit that anything that you do with anybody in the secret, every gossip, every character assassination that you listen to, every deformation that colours your judgment and changes your attitude towards anybody such that you begin to grow hatred towards a certain person, you will explain all of that.

The word has eyes, it sees our conducts and attitude towards it. It scrutinizes our conduct and judges our attitudes. It is the book that feeds your inner man.

The Bible is enough! It is sufficient for everything you are facing in life. When you face different challenges in life, you must be sensitive to receive the word of God. With the word, you receive healing, deliverance, transformation, and direction. You do not have to understand how the word will work, but you must believe the word if it will work. The word is powerful in itself, but your faith is what brings the word to life. When you dwell with reasoning you will always remain stagnant in life.

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Joseph Ola Okunola

A Child of God and bondservant of the LORD Jesus Christ. Committed to the souls of men. Pursuing the salvation of souls, seasoning the saved in discipleship.