AHF Study 16(1): Renewing Your Mind 2

Joseph Ola Okunola
Published in
5 min readNov 5, 2019

Why Do We Renew Our Mind?

The reason for renewing our mind is to know what is God’s perfect will. Stop doing what is good, start doing what is right. If you spend your life doing only what is good, you’ll end your life in hell. The right thing to do is to do what is written in the book of destiny for you to do.

The rich man died as a good man. He did a lot of good but he never did the right thing. The rich man was blessed with wealth so that he could take care of Lazarus, but he refused to do it, that was why he landed in hell.


We all choose to do what we do. It’s a choice we have the power to influence. However, many find it difficult to make their own choice. They are influenced by their relationships. Many men are puppets to their wives. Making decisions based on the response and reactions of their wives. They live their life to please their wives because they are trying to avoid trouble. Children subject their decisions to their parents, even though ungodly. Some are puppets to their Pastors. They make their choices based on what their Pastor says. They live to impress their Pastors. They love the honour of being their sycophants.

Photo by Paul Garaizar on Unsplash

You must always remember that you came to this world alone, so in the day of judgment, you will stand alone. Even if you are married, on judgment day you will stand as individuals. Even if you die together, you will be judged individually. So, do not be bound by any human figure in making the right decisions.

As a child, you do not have to live the life of your parents especially when they are rebellious. You will end up the same way they end up if you do not change your life. Likewise, if you are under a Pastor who is not godly and you are trying to be like him, you will suffer for it.


Although John was Zechariah’s child, yet he didn’t live the life of his father. He was a unique person. You are also a unique person. God made you for a particular reason, stop comparing yourself with people around you no matter the ties that bound you to them. You came alone and you will stand alone before the judgment throne.

Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

For John to fulfil what he was born to do, he didn’t have to stay and learn under Gamaliel and the priest, rather, he was to stay in the wilderness to grow until the day of his manifestation. Unlike his father who lived his life daily in the routine of the temple. John was to be a Prophet, hence he had to be made in the solitary place — the secret place. This making was necessary for John so he would be the kind of Prophet he would be — bold enough to face the fallen children of Israel and address them as “brood of snakes.”


If you do not have a renewed mind, you will have difficulties at the point of decision. Stop making choices based on what you picture in your head. Images come to our mind based on what we see and hear, and these images influence the choice we make.

Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

This was the problem of the Israelites when they went to spy the land of Canaan. They made their choice not to go forward and possess the land because of their fear of the giants they saw in the land.

You have to stop doing many good things, and start doing the one right thing. To arrive at the point of doing what is right, you have to choose out of many choices all of the times.


We may be born again but our past affects our choices. One of the reasons we do not make the right decisions is because of our past experiences. Some women try to build a wall around themselves each time a man tries to approach them. This is mostly found with women who have been jilted by men in the past. If you are like this, you have been trapped in your present due to your past, therefore you will not be able to enter into your glorious future except you repent and restitute.

Whoever comes to this world and says he doesn’t want to be hurt by anyone has come to the wrong planet. Those you do good to will hurt you. However, there is a pedestal you have to get to whereby human hurt will no longer affect you. The earlier you get to this point, the better. Because without this you will not be able to fulfil destiny here on earth.

The reason we have a problem with our present relationship is because of our past. Those who do not leave their past are trapped in the present. Once you are trapped in the present, you will never enter into your glorious future. People who enter into their glorious future are men who leave their past to their past and they face the present under God.

Consider your life. What has affected you? Who has hurt you in time past? What is it that has trapped you in your present? You need to repent today and set yourself free from your past so you can enter into your glorious future.

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Joseph Ola Okunola

A Child of God and bondservant of the LORD Jesus Christ. Committed to the souls of men. Pursuing the salvation of souls, seasoning the saved in discipleship.