God Is Interested In The Way You Use Your Talents.

Joseph Ola Okunola
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2018
Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash

”And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.”(Mat. 25:15KJV)

Let’s take stock of our TALENT. Talent is a natural ability or qualities. Talent is the unusual innate ability one possesses in a particular field or activity; for example singing, drama, crafts, eloquence, writing, athletic, smartness, natural body endowment, etc. God uses these natural gifts under the influence of the Holy Spirit if we consecrate our bodies to God a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service (Rome 12:1).

  • Did you really know your talent at all or you deliberately hid it?
  • How faithfully did you use the ability to sing, play an instrument, lead a choir or orchestra for His glory? Or, the fraudsters in the Church has made you commercialize what you didn’t pay for but which God freely gave you for His glory? Did you also think you are serving the Lord with the way you move from one church to another with your musical instrument to play and be paid?
  • Did you use your ability to speak, preach, and teach to minister life to people of God or you ministered death such that you caused division, rebellion and party spirit among the brethren?
  • Did you use the opportunity of following a leader to be a good follower in assisting others or you did it only to be a sycophant, stooge, and loyalist in error and damn your soul and others whom you influenced in hell?
  • Did you use your ability to write articles, poems, books, Christian stories for stage play and film? Did you use it for Him or for yourself? Did you write anything worthwhile according to the Scripture standard this year or you did cut and paste of error and embarrassing messages and you spread those harassing messages on social media?
  • Did you use your physical strength, and good health for Him; or you used it to fight His course and servants?
  • Did you use your feet to run errands of mercy in taking the gospel to someone?
  • Did you give Him your hands to do the works of benevolence, lift the fallen and feeble; or you used them to damage and destroy lives?
  • Did you use your eyes to seek out the needy and the perishing? Did you use your ears to hear the voice of distressed and seek them for Him, or you never disturbed?
  • Some children of God didn’t have good health like you, some are blind, lame, deaf, dumb, on wheelchairs, and some with poor physique, yet God found some of them fruitful despite their physical disability? But you were naturally endowed with a good body which you only adore, pride in it, oppose God with it, and defile lives with it? How come you think you are not tormenting God with the talent He gave to you?

The wicked and unprofitable servant who was given one talent didn’t oppose God but hid it and was condemned to go to hell! How come you think that you who have been attacking God with His talent escape? Christ says:

“Therefore take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents. For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”(Mat. 25:28–30NKJV).

Beloved, what should be your response now? Ask for mercy and grace of another chance in the years to come!



Joseph Ola Okunola

A Child of God and bondservant of the LORD Jesus Christ. Committed to the souls of men. Pursuing the salvation of souls, seasoning the saved in discipleship.