Joseph Ola Okunola
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2018
Photo by Ümit Bulut on Unsplash

“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,” (Eph. 5:15KJV)

Business experts, CEO, and entrepreneurs who have become an authority in their businesses always take stock of how they fare in business to know the loss they incurred and the profit they made. This shows their wisdom and that will determine their approach in the coming year.

Likewise, I felt under God to take you through what you must do to avoid living your life as a fool and to also avoid the rude shock in eternity to hear the Master condemn you as a foolish servant. We shall be detailed and systematic as the Holy Spirit moves our heart together. I just must beg you to be sincere and mark where you have acted foolishly, repent and restitute as to reposition yourself in the coming years.

We start with TIME, a perishable, irretrievable and the only equally gift given by God to all men. Each of us has 24 hours each day, 168 hours each week and cumulated to 8760 hours a year!

The difference between individuals is how these equal gift of 8760 hours are used. The minimum expected to be given to God is the tithe of these hours; which is 876 hours and equivalent to 36.5 days!

  • Did you give God in your devotional life and service life 876 hours? If your quite time is done correctly to praise, pause to hear God in deep meditation and pray kingdom prayer faithfully for one hour each day you only have 365 hours in a year; and if you spend 2 hours you have 730 hours. Yet you have not paid the tithe of your hours per annum.
  • How many times did you sit at the Bible study in your church/fellowship this year to be guided, for you to set the right course for living. If you are faithful to attend Bible study in 52 weeks and you are always punctual to be part of the 2 hours slated for it. You have spent 104 hours add it to 730, you have 834 hours not yet equivalent to the tithe. It means you owe God tithe and you are under a curse according to Malachi 3:8–10!
  • Can you take stock how you spent the hours you got from God in the previous year. The time you spent on sleeping, selfish prayers, working hours, gossiping, backbiting, doing all ungodly things which you know is incorrect?
  • Did you spend any of those hours in fulfilling divine commission? How many hours did you spend on ministerial labour as in evangelism, follow up, discipleship, encouragement, intercession, and all sorts?
  • Did you recall how many hours you spent on fruitless labour and fleshy things?
  • If God put you on His balance weight will you weigh as expected of what is written concerning you in His blueprint? Did you live in your hours in the previous year to do His will or you lived to please yourself or to do devil’s will?
  • Have you not walked as a fool in the gift of 8760 hours given to you? Did you bring any profit to the Kingdom of God in the use of your time in the previous year?

Here’s the new year you celebrated months ago, it’s gradually wrapping up its own page. Have you taken stock of how you’ve spent it? Isn’t it full of regrets of failure again?

Again God has come to call you to repentance, will you humble yourself before the LORD, and plead for mercy? Confess your failures and seek for his help in the use of your time. Shalom!

This article is a series on TAKING SPIRITUAL STOCK, originally written on social media in late 2016 by Joseph Ola Okunola. To access more spiritual resources from the same author visit the official website here.



Joseph Ola Okunola

A Child of God and bondservant of the LORD Jesus Christ. Committed to the souls of men. Pursuing the salvation of souls, seasoning the saved in discipleship.