Joseph Ola Okunola
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2018

“And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as He is pure.”

1 Jn. 3:3 (KJV)

I have established with you that the correct pursuit in discipleship is the life of purity. I shared with you the need for holy men and women to have God at work doing His strange acts as of old. I have also raised an uproar to God as I discovered His commitment to purge and purify us. However, I have discovered that we have our part to play practically in possessing purity. This I would like to share with you today.

What I must do God will not do. When God does His part and I refuse to do my part I will remain impure. So, the problem isn’t that purity is unattainable, neither is it with God who requires purity and is committed to His own part; rather, the problem is me.

Source: Unsplash

The Power of Purity

I know when there is purity in me, my poverty, wretchedness, and powerlessness is over. Spiritual, physical and material blessings are given freely to a pure life.

Purity makes one be in charge. One becomes a man of access and assets. Men of caliber and timber are at one’s beck and call. Angels in their host become one’s security guards, they build the fence of ‘touch not’ around one and attend to one’s needs as it arises at any time. The host of hell is threatened! Authority is swapped as demons lose their grip on their captives and God’s kingdom is populated!

I need to do my part and I must do my part in view of what I stand to gain in possessing purity. My LORD and my PURIFIER also announced to me this morning in the Scripture above that I must purify myself just as He is pure. I must purge out evil in me and cleanse myself from all known impurities for me to be a vessel unto honour made ready for good works (1 Cor.5:7; 2 Tim. 2:21).

What must I practically do now to possess purity?

  • I must always bath in pure water which is the Word of God. Nothing cleanses and makes one pure as God’s pure Word (Heb. 10:22; Ps. 12:6).
  • Just as I daily petition my heavenly Father to supply me my daily bread, so must I plead with Him to make me pure in His Word for that is how He works in all His saints beloved (Jn. 17:17).
  • I must baptize my thoughts in pure matters (Philip. 4:8).
  • I must behave myself wisely in my interpersonal relationship with the wisdom from above (Jas. 3:13–17).
  • I must beware of myself and discipline myself if all that God has done for me will not be a waste (1 Tim. 4:16).

There are three major fire extinguishers that will come my way: girls, gold, and glory. Or in another word; female, fortune, and fame.

All of these are not in themselves sent to trap me but for me to serve and fulfill destiny. Yet, my indiscipline can make these good servants to become bad masters!

Other areas where I have to discipline myself is in indulgences: food, sleep, sex, leisure, etc. They are my legitimate needs of the body but indulgence in allowing them to control me would make me impure (1 Cor. 6:12).

  • I must be disciplined in the use of my time, procrastination must never be my lifestyle. My attitude to work must be diligence and not slothfulness.
  • I must be disciplined in the use of my eyes, ears, tongues, hands, and legs.

Holy Father, I will walk within my house with a perfect heart and set nothing worthless before my eyes. This I will do by Your grace for me to experience power walk like the apostles of old. AMEN!

This article is written by Joseph Ola Okunola, the Presiding officer of TREGO publications. To know more about his ministry and labour in discipleship, visit our page here.



Joseph Ola Okunola

A Child of God and bondservant of the LORD Jesus Christ. Committed to the souls of men. Pursuing the salvation of souls, seasoning the saved in discipleship.