Joseph Ola Okunola
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2019

Our aim in these series of studies is to bring the reality of Christ into our bodies, such that we become mobile cathedral, carrying Jesus about everywhere we go. It is clear to us from scriptures that God doesn’t dwell in empires built by men, regardless of the nomenclature they use in branding it; rather, He wants to dwell in our bodies, he longs to maker our hearts His abode, for we are the temple of the living God.

Photo by Luca Baggio on Unsplash

God desires that wherever we are found, there He will be as well, thereby making Himself known to those who needs Him — sinners. For it is when the light of Christ shines through us that sinners can see their terrible state. God wants to reach out to the unsaved — the lost and wandering sinners, yet He needs us as vehicles to carry His person to them. Hence the essence of this study. Until we come to this understanding, our Christian lives will only remain a religious exercise — full of segregation, void of touching lives.

Galatians 2:20 remains a personal testimony of a life that has encountered the cross and we will not hesitate to make repetitions on the need for you to experience a revelation of the cross until you, like the Apostle, Paul, can say the same words of this verse — Gal. 2:20.

How do you know when you’re crucified to the world? How do you know when the world is crucified to you? There is a difference in the organization of the world, and the organization of Christ life. Until these two divergent entities crush each other and change the course of things set in motion in your life.

Once the revelation of your crucifixion has dawned on you, then you can step into the reality of the crucified life. The first step to living a crucified life is to evacuate the works of the flesh. These works of the flesh are abstract; they cannot be lay hold on, yet we must identify them and evacuate them practically. How do we evacuate the works of the flesh practically?

We’d hazard to say that you cannot evacuate the works of the flesh that you do not identify. Quit the pretense, and be responsible for your actions. Lay hold on that which is sinful and visible to you (perhaps hidden to others), and evacuate it: expose and confess. Until you come to a point where you are ready to take the cup of shame that accompanies the flesh, you’d never enter into the victory of a crucified life.

If you desire to enter into the reality of this life, you must catch the revelation of the truth in God’s word. Download our latest study AT HIS FEET, to get further illumination of this great treasure of the Apostle recorded in Gal. 2:20.



Joseph Ola Okunola

A Child of God and bondservant of the LORD Jesus Christ. Committed to the souls of men. Pursuing the salvation of souls, seasoning the saved in discipleship.