The Deficiency of our Christianity

Joseph Ola Okunola
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2019
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Disciples of old had a testimony that they were the sweet aroma of Christ both to the saved and the unsaved around them. They had the fragrance — an aura of His presence anywhere they went.

Today there is little or no difference between our life in the past and the present; no difference with our lives when we were in sin and now that we claim to be in Christ. Some of us really had a testimony of a changed life with a steady growth that made us become men of the altar. But after a while, the lust and immorality we were done away with resurfaced again.

Till now many of us are still battling with this inner defect. Some of us who are married are guilty of infidelity and the singles tiredly struggle with masturbation, pornography, and all sexual sins. It’s like there is no longer the Great Physician in Mount Zion and the balm has ceased!

We have the routine of religious activities but pollute God’s altar with lives that stinks! Few who have genuine work has no power that transforms. We talk high but walk low. We walk shoulder high and the devil is never moved because of our stinkiness, whereas God expects us to be a sweet aroma that will suffocate the devil and his cohorts to terminate their untoward works where we are planted.

Photo by Brooke Winters on Unsplash

Our marital relationship is defective just because of our deficiency! People assume we are couples because we wear uniforms! Companionship, comradeship, communion, composure and compliments are nowhere to be found in our marriages. There are rancor, rivalry and rebellion that has brought being at loggerheads which result in tales of woes and many have divorced!

LORD, we must face reality in Your presence, we are deficient. Some of us have tried several means but the more we tried, the more we sink and locked up with the chains of deficiency!

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

LORD, don’t allow our lives to be wasted by Self-life. LORD, it is difficult now for us to come to Your Royal Court, Your Secret Chamber to learn and commune with you. Our deficiency — the stinking perfume won’t allow us!

Pass me not oh gentle Saviour. Cleanse us all together. Make us Christ’s aroma for our generation. Make us and mould us to conform to Your Pattern Son. Make us now, vessels of honour, and use us for End-time unstoppable move. Amen and Amen.



Joseph Ola Okunola

A Child of God and bondservant of the LORD Jesus Christ. Committed to the souls of men. Pursuing the salvation of souls, seasoning the saved in discipleship.